West Virginia Northern Community College


March 6, 2009

Present: S. Beck, R. Berry, S. Clutter, D. Cresap, C. Dale, M. Davis, F. Decaria, D. Folger,

M. Goldstein, S. Gress, M. Grubor, R. Guy, K. Herrington, L. Ingram, C. Kefauver, J. Keyser,

R. Lucki, R. Malek, M. Marlin, M. Mertz, C. Morris, B. Peterman, T. Ramsey, J. Reho, C. Riter, D. Ryan, R. Rychlicki, P. Sharma, J. Tully, T. Vavra, G. Winland, D. Yadrick


Guest:  Dr. M. Olshinsky

The meeting was called to order by President Charles Rogerson at 1:45 pm in the telecom room on three campuses.


Dr. Olshinsky:

·         Provided update on budgets

o   Submitted our budget to board– no tuition increase, built in faculty salary scale - $1500

o   The governor has introduced legislation for enhancement that may preclude any raises in favor of one time “bonus.”

o   Expressed goal to keep tuition as low as possible, but if budget is cut, they will keep the option available. Increase is not beneficial for public relations.  Stimulus package may keep tuition from being raised.

o   Expressed that they took advice of budget committee and tried to implement it.

·         Requested that if anyone knows of new legislation that affects us, please notify someone.


S. Rychlicki asked if yearly increments were part of base in salary scale.

Dr. Olshinsky answered that it is extra, not part of contract.  T. Vavra confirmed.



Present, absent, excused designations for assembly meeting minutes:


Motion: abolish the distinction absent and excused, account for present only (C. Rogerson / M. Grubor)

-          Some concern about faculty who are teaching, but it absence is no longer penalized in regard to promotion.

Motion approved.


Motion: Approve Minutes for February 6, 2009 meeting (C. Dale / D. Cresap) 

Motion Approved.



·         Merit due today.

·         Driver’s test in order to drive state vehicle or be reimbursed for gas must be completed by April 15

o   M. Grubor noted there would be a reduction in insurance rate for college if all participated.

o   R. Lucki noted that some personal insurance companies will also reduce rate.

o   Faculty requested that A. Schrumpf be asked to send out link



New Executive Committee:

President (term to end March 2010): C. Kefauver (term as member to end March 2011)

Vice President: L. Ingram (term as member to end March 2010)

Secretary: T. Danford

Members (term to end March 2010): M. Davis, F. DeCaria, C. Harbert, D. Ryan, and G. Winland

Members (term to end March 2011): D. Folger, K. Herrington, C. Riter, S. Rychlicki, and J. Tully.



Faculty Salary Scale:

T. Vavra reported:

·         Were able to get 1,000 on base amounts

·         Passed the first reading at the board

·         R. Berry confirmed that merit will be added to base

·         technology fee will be assessed for all students - $10 per hour

·         online students will pay additional $20


TIAA Cref contributions:

·         M. Davis asked if contributions to TIAA – Cref contributions were raised to 7.5%?

·         Currently, no other colleges are doing that.

·         Faculty discussion.



Motion: Ask Board of Directors to increase contributions up to 7.5% as provided by West Virginia law. (Davis/Goldstein)

Motion approved



Faculty absence policy:

·         Will be sent via email for our review

·         P. Carmichael will send letter that reviews long term and short term disability status

·         Policy will need to be discussed in the April meeting

·         M. Davis suggested that faculty look at FMLA for policies regarding absences.

·         T. Vavra explained that illness and injury policy kicks in if a faculty member is unable to work for 14 consecutive days.  Then, short term disability will kick in, and long term disability will start in about six months.

·         M. Grubor explained that a form will be filled out and turned in to division chairs.

·         R. Berry stated that there will be a first reading of disciplinary action rule – covers unapproved absenteeism, 4 days per fiscal year.

·         Long term/short term options available in Mountain flex benefits

·         If more faculty members sign up the rate will be lower. P, Carmichael will try to get an open enrollment period.

·         Benefit fair will be held April 8



Motion: Ask P. Carmichael to come to next senate and explain the options (Davis / DeCaria)

Motion approved.



Snow days

·         New procedure provided in email message


Assessment Committee

·         No meeting

·         Reminder that assessment reports from fall are past due, continue to send to chairs for signatures


Curriculum Committee

K. Herrington reported:

·         CIT changes – revamping curriculum

·         Two hours are short in General Education core.  They have allowed physical education if in AA and CIT 117 as General Education and Developmental Psychology as core option for nursing program to meet state requirements

·         For 2010, bring proposals now or in fall


Distance Education Committee

P. Sharma reported:

·         Overload – looking at how courses are assigned, especially online courses

o   Should assigned based on full time faculty and then second choice should be one who designed and then to adjunct faculty

·         Assessment – looking at who should assess/how often

o   Any concerns can be sent to any Distance Education committee member





M. Goldstein reported:

·         February meeting – same three legislative initiatives on the table

·         Oliverio, Unger, Edgell- senators meeting with subcommittee of ACF today

·         Six scholarships to study abroad, $1500 for any student in WV

·         New version of west test going into high schools, if failed, students may have to go through remediation

·         CTCC –Community and Technical College Council– should have voting member or at least as a member


Board of Governors

R. Berry reported:

·         Faculty salary rule second reading

·         First reading of disciplinary rule

·         Faculty should read the information and send comments.


Learning Resources Center Committee:

C. Harbert reported:

·         Copier concerns – may be removing printers from offices

o   Faculty expressed concerns about confidentiality

o   T. Ramsey will go to copier committee meetings


Professional Development

·         No longer a professional development committee

·         Send request for travel through division chair



General Education

·         Meeting end of March


Old business

M. Goldstein reminded faculty of the Great Teachers Seminar atNorth Bend June 22-25, one more full time faculty spot open

·         D. Cresap fill spot


T. Vavra asked if final exam schedules could come in by midterm

·         Campus Deans should be consulted, C. Rogerson will do that


M. Goldstein requested change to minutes for February 2009.  In the ACF paragraph, please follow HEPC with “and CTCC have a voting member representing the ACF.” 



New Business

K. Herrington announced that Bethany college and WVNCC are cosponsoring a work shop on social work ethics.  She suggested that  nursing/human services might benefit, may cost $15.


Motion for adjournment by F. DeCaria seconded by D. Poffenberger.

Motion Approved.


Respectfully submitted,

Crystal Harbert

Temporary Faculty Assembly Secretary