Faculty Assembly Minutes

4 December 2009

                                    1:20 pm, Telecom Rooms, All Three Campuses                       

Present:  R. Berry, C. Cornforth, T. Craig, D. Cresap, C. Dale, M. Davis, D. Goeddel, B. Guy, K. Herrington, L. Ingram, C. Kefauver, R. Lucki, K. Musilli, B. Peterman, J. Reho, C. Rogerson, D. Ryan, S. Rychlicki, P. Sharma, T. Vavra

Guests:  none

C. Kefauver called the meeting to order at 1:20 pm.  On a motion by Dave Goeddel with a second by Bonnie Peterman, the draft minutes from the 6 November 2009 Faculty Assembly meeting were approved as published (http://www.wvncc.edu/tdanford/senate/).


·          State has decided to hold up all pay raises.

o   S. Rychlicki asked if all raises were held or only those schools who waited to submit requests?

§  C. Kefauver noted schools that sent them in July did have them granted, but those recent requests were blocked by the state.

·         The school is changing to Stenger for copier services.

o   Anyone able to do January copies now is encouraged to do so. 

o   Training will be during January.

o   Image center will remain, but will be run by Stenger.

·         Computers in the LRC will have sign-on capabilities, so that there is tracking capabilities.  There is homeland security implications dictating this.

·         Fall Grade Turn-In:  Email came from Nancy, very short turn around time.

·         Continuity of Instruction:  Division Chairs to discuss this further.

o   Faculty question the ability to have the technology and capability for some of these things to work. 

o   What is administration’s facility plan?  Will libraries, computer labs, etc. be open?  This would allow the faculty to work within the school’s plan. 

§  C. Kefauver will talk to Dr. Riley concerning this issue and pass the response to faculty.

·         Merit intentions are due today, December 4th.



Committee Reports: 

Faculty Committees 2009-2010



Academic Appeals

No Report.


Assessment has not met since October, but are doing ongoing work on peer reviews via e-mail. 

Board of Governors

BOG did approve pay raises, but now they have been held by the State.

No meeting until next Tuesday.

Straub Building—still issues about the gas tanks under the building, so it is still on hold.


T. Vavra reported that they had finished the review of capital requests.  They were divided into the priority groupings.  Priority 1 is likely to be funded, if not moved to a grant category.  Most others will not likely be funded.  Some requests that were security issues were moved to a higher priority.


K. Herrington reported on the November meeting.

Second reading for Paralegal—major changes for fall.

First reading for MAS changes, plus first reading for a new certificate program in this area

Also, changes in Sign Language, Human Services, CIT, Business.

Waiting on proposals from ST and HIT—not arrived yet, so may not be heard until January.

Distance Education

No Report.

Enrollments Management

No Report.

Advisory Council of Faculty

Still working on State concerning pay raises.  Pamphlet distributed from the WV ACF.

Faculty Evaluation

D. Goeddel noted that Marian Grubor is chairing this committee.  They have looked at the policy from 2003 and have incorporated the new faculty position description into the existing document.  They also changed the evaluation form to mimic the position description with a checklist.  Everyone was e-mailed the draft yesterday. 

Questions:  K. Herrington asked if there could be standards set to explain what constitutes a score (1-5).  There needs to be a way to standardize between evaluators.  Also, do some activities have more weight than others.  R. Berry asked about the parameters in the evaluation process.  S. Rychlicki asked about peer and student evaluations—they need to be included, if we are still using them.  Send additional comments to Marian Grubor.

Financial Aid

No Report.

Institutional Technology

No Report.

Judicial Board

No Report.

Learning Resource Center

Met today, but no business because there was not a quorum.

Professional Development

No Meeting.

Promotion Committee

No Meeting—still waiting for the policy to be returned from legal.


Merit committee met this morning.  It was announced that for the 2010-11 cycle the point requirements would be increased as follows:  Level 1 (11 points), Level 2 (17 points), Level 3 (23 points).  Other changes will be coming in January as the committee completes work on the activity list, in order to comply with the new faculty position description.

Much discussion ensued about the changes and rationale.  L. Ingram shared data from the past two years comparing the old points to the new points and the resulting distribution of levels.  P. Sharma asked that the data be sent to faculty.

P. Sharma noted that 60% of the activities have no acceptable documentation listed.  The Guidelines are not exclusionary and are unclear.  

M. Davis asked about the appeals process for faculty that disagree with the committee’s decision.

P. Sharma made a motion, seconded by M. Davis to develop a policy and procedure for merit decisions to be appealed to the merit committee and to add it to the existing merit procedure. Motion passed.

Faculty continued to question the large point increase in one year.  C. Cornforth asked for some documentation of the proposed point scheme.  C. Kefauver will discuss with Dr. Olshinsky.

L. Ingram and T. Vavra explained that this was the original points that was proposed by the President several years ago and that no increases had been made in recent years, despite the President requesting that this be done.


No Report.

Student Appeals

No Meeting.

General Education

S. Gress is the new Chair for this committee.  Working on developing a general statement on literacy (information, reading, writing, mathematical).  If you have input, please send via e-mail.



Old Business: 

·         Faculty illness rule has just returned from legal—committee will be reconvening to look at this.

New Business: 

·         2010 Salary Proposal:  T. Vavra, D. Roth, and C. Dale will be working on the proposal to submit to the President concerning faculty salary increases for next year.

·         Student Evaluations:  D. Ryan asked for faculty to e-mail her any suggestions/comments concerning the current student evaluation of teaching form. 

·         F. Decaria is home and doing well.

·         Sister Marjorie Baird, former faculty member, passed away.

·         R. Lucki thanked the merit committee for their work on the procedure.


Adjournment:  On a motion by R. Lucki with a second by C. Rogerson , the meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Thomas R. Danford, secretary