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Interlibrary Loan Fees and Tips

Interlibrary loan services will be provided to students as follows:

First twenty filled I.L.L. requests......................................Handling fee of $.25 per item plus per semester any actual costs (fees charged by the lending library).

Each additional filled I.L.L...............................................Handling fee of $1.00 per item plusrequest over twenty any actual costs (fees charged by the lending library).

Community members requesting I.L.L. service will be required to pay all actual costs plus the transaction fee of $3.00 per each request.

Faculty and staff members will be provided I.L.L. services for actual cost reimbursement.

Each borrower will be asked to state a maximum cost when ordering materials and this cost limitation will be provided to the lending library. The library does attempt to order materials from libraries which do not charge fees before borrowing from libraries that do charge.

Tips When Using Interlibrary Loan (I.L.L.):

  1. Begin early! It takes time to locate any resource outside the Learning Resource Center system.
  2. Exhaust all possibilities of your topic before requesting I.L.L. You may need to narrow, broaden, or readjust the focus of your research. Try to develop the majority of your sources within the existing collection. It is better to rely on I.L.L. for a few special sources rather than all of your research.
  3. Be sure that you have ascertained that no information or not enough information exists in the Library collection before you request I.L.L. Check the online catalog and list of periodicals.
  4. Always enlist the help of a librarian when contemplating the use of I.L.L. Be open to suggestions and advise that he/she may give you, but don't expect the librarian to provide you with a research topic.
  5. When filling out an interlibrary loan form, always print the information, and do not use abbreviations. Be sure to indicate where you obtained the citation. Also be sure to put the date after which the item will no longer be useful. Do not put "ASAP".
  6. Indicate what costs you are willing to pay for receipt of the material. You must pay all costs agreed upon whether or not the material obtained is satisfactory.