Each semester, and when necessary, our Health Task Force meets to ensure we are taking a proactive approach to your health and safety as we enter flu season and continue to deal with respiratory viruses like COVID-19 and RSV. If you are feeling ill or exhibit symptoms of a respiratory virus, please stay home, notify your instructor or supervisor about your illness, and return to normal activities only after your symptoms have been gone for 24 hours.
We recommend using the CDC website (www.cdc.gov) to stay updated on the latest health information.
If you have any questions, please email us at please email us at coronavirus@wvncc.edu
Updates from the College
January 10, 2023: HEERF Funds Reporting Requirements
August 23, 2022: Student Update COVID, Monkeypox & Influenza
Good afternoon:
As we approach the start of the fall semester, I/we would like to provide an update on a few ongoing health issues facing our campus.
COVID (Return to Campus) Guidelines Northern's COVID Task Force continues to monitor the pandemic. As we have learned, things can change rapidly. At this time, we are suspending our college-issued COVID Guidelines. We are directing everyone (faculty, staff and students) to the CDC website for the latest information and protocols at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Face Masks Masks are not required on campus at this time, but we will continue providing face masks for those who choose to wear one. The CDC recommends wearing masks indoors when risk levels are high. To determine current risk levels in our community visit: www.covidactnow.com*** While masks are not required on campuses, specific college offices or specific faculty/courses may require mask wearing. Please check your course syllabus or ask for clarification.***
COVID Testing Currently, Northern does not have a testing requirement in place and we do not anticipate one during the Fall 2022 semester. However, IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY COVID SYMPTOMS STAY HOME AND GET TESTED, ASAP, at a local pharmacy, local health agency, or use a home antigen test. If you have not signed up for your free test kits yet, visit www.covidtest.gov to have a kit shipped directly to your home.
COVID Vaccinations We strongly encourage all students and employees to get vaccinated and to follow-through with subsequent booster shots. This remains the best way to keep yourself and loved ones safe from COVID-19 and severe symptoms related to COVID-19. There are many area pharmacies and agencies that offer vaccines. To locate one near you visit: https://www.vaccines.gov/
Future COVID-19 Updates Make sure you check our coronavirus webpage for the latest information and protocols. Any changes or updates will also be emailed to you using your Northern email account. Since we are not requiring testing and many are testing at home now, we will no longer maintain a dashboard of active and completed cases on the webpage. Should you have questions please feel free to email coronavirus@wvncc.edu
Monkey Pox Our COVID Task Force has begun to track the outbreak of Monkeypox. We recently met with the Howard Gamble, Administrator at the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department. He has been an invaluable resource to the college. He updated us about the latest information on not only COVID, but Monkeypox as well. Because this new global public health threat is low risk for now and it is primarily transmissible through skin-to-skin contact (not respiratory droplets like COVID), we are not issuing any protocols or guidelines at this time. However, just like with COVID, we will keep a close eye on this virus and will make changes, as needed. Currently, West Virginia has less than 10 cases so our threat level is low for now, but we know that number may continue to climb. The best way to prevent Monkeypox is as follows: Avoid skin-to-skin contact with anyone who has a rash that looks like it could be Monkeypox (red rash and/or bumps). Avoid contact with objects and materials that a person with Monkeypox may have touched. Wash your hands often. For the latest information please visit https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/index.html
Influenza We also wanted to remind you with the flu season coming upon us that the best way to reduce the risk of the seasonal flu is get vaccinated each year. Also, practice good personal hygiene such as washing your hands, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze, and STAY HOME IF YOU ARE NOT FEELING WELL.
Finally, the COVID Task Force discussed changing our name to the Health Task Force. So, updates in the future will be sent under that name.
We look forward to a healthy, safe and productive Fall 2022 Semester!
The COVID Task Force continues meeting regularly, including just this morning.
COVID infection levels locally declined sharply in early-April and have remained relatively low since mid-April. All of the counties of the WV Northern Panhandle currently are green (low risk) or yellow (moderate risk). There are, however, a number of WV counties to our south that are gold (high risk) and the State of WV overall is indicated as HIGH RISK.
Northern has relaxed our mandatory COVID precautions that were put in place last fall for the Delta then Omicron variants (e.g., masking in public spaces, weekly testing, etc.). We have had a few Northern employees and students recently report positive COVID test results and COVID infections with mild and moderate symptoms. The college may reinstitute our mandatory precautions and guidelines as conditions warrant.
Presently, we are relying on each of you to assess your personal risk and exposure levels then take the recommended precautions as outlines below by the CDC. We still have a supply of face masks and COVID Rapid Tests…if you need a Rapid Test, contact Bonnie Peterman (x8883).
And PLEASE, if you feel sick, stay home, use a sick day, and consult with your doctor…even if it is “just a cold or just the flu."
Latest CDC Recommendations:
Masks are recommended if your community risk level is high, you have recently been exposed to or infected with COVID, or you’ve been told by a health professional to wear a mask based on your personal risk factors. Get tips on masking
Vaccinations for adults and children 5 and up can protect against infection, serious illness and death from COVID. Find a vaccine
Testing is important if you experience symptoms or have been recently exposed to COVID. The Test to Treat initiative provides high-risk individuals who test positive with immediate access to antivirals at certified locations. Find a Test to Treat location
Booster shots offer necessary protection against infection, serious illness and death from all COVID variants, and are 90% effective at preventing hospitalization from Omicron. Find a booster
Following are two updates from a recent COVID-19 Task Force meeting. We continue monitoring the situation closely, as some areas are seeing cases on the rise again.
Weekly Testing
Effective immediately, we are suspending Northern's weekly COVID testing requirement for all employees and students. However, if you suspect t that you might have been exposed, please test and monitor closely for any symptoms.
If you are sick or have any symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, congestion, headache, etc.), COVID or non-COVID, please do not come to work - use a sick day to ensure you are not infecting others. We are committed to keeping our college community safe, so please do not come to work if you are experiencing COVID or flu/cold like symptoms.
We appreciate everyone’s effort to keep each other and your loved ones safe.
I hope you are all having a great Spring Semester!
I’m sure you have been watching the news about declining COVID infection rates and hospitalizations, nationwide.
The Covid-19 Task Force met late last week and proposed that if we see evidence that we are on the back side of this Omicron variant wave, we will relax some of our protocols. The results are in, and we have zero (0) employee positive cases this week and just 2/100 student cases (or just 2% positive test results). The numbers statewide in WV and here in the WV Northern Panhandle are now clearly moving in the right direction as well.
Although this is no time to "throw caution to the wind”, we are relaxing the following college requirements:
Weekly Testing
Effective immediately, we are discontinuing our weekly COVID testing requirement for those who are vaccinated. Those who remain unvaccinated are still required to submit weekly test results — from a location of your choosing. Roxby Labs will no longer provide on-campus testing due to the relatively low numbers.
Vaccine and Booster Shots
If you have not already done so, please submit an updated Record of Vaccination. Those without a current Record of Vaccination on file will be required to provide weekly test results. Students can submit a copy of their vaccination record via Brightspace (D2L). Employees can submit a Record of Vaccination to the HRD Office.
Face Masks
Effective immediately, we are discontinuing our indoor masking requirement. Masks are now required in classrooms or at any gatherings where social distancing cannot be maintained. If you are unvaccinated, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask in public.
On behalf of the COVID Task Force, we urge anyone who is not vaccinated to please reconsider doing so. Please continue to be vigilant in protecting yourself, your loved ones, co-workers, and our students by maintaining social distancing and other common COVID protocols.
I appreciate everyone’s patience and dedication in keeping yourself and those around you safe.
Dr. Daniel Mosser WVNCC President
January 7, 2022: Student COVID Update
I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing break and that you are as eager to return for the spring semester as we are to have you back on campus! We are providing you with updated information and guidelines for the spring semester regarding the ongoing pandemic. If you have any questions or need help registering for your classes, please try our new virtual help option. Information about this feature is listed under the event calendar on our website (www.wvncc.edu) or on the WVNCC Go App.
Northern's COVID Task Force met recently to re-assess the status of the virus, to review the college’s COVID protocols, and to determine if any further action is warranted, given the emergence of the omicron variant. We have been in communication with top state and local health officials to ensure we are doing everything we can to provide a safe and engaging learning environment.
Omicron is different from previous strains of COVID in several ways:
The omicron variant is more transmissible…it spreads faster and infects more hosts because it is more effectively jumping from host to host. The 15-minute window no longer applies. It appears that omicron can penetrate the vaccines (i.e., breakthrough cases) causing COVID infections in both vaccinated and unvaccinated hosts. However, the disease/symptoms in vaccinated hosts are generally much less severe, resulting in fewer hospitalizations and deaths. Local hospitals are already near capacity with COVID patients. Hospitals report that more than 80-90 percent of hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated. Individuals who are unvaccinated remain at a much higher risk to COVID-omicron. It is imperative that we continue to do our part to protect ourselves and each other as we navigate this latest wave of COVID-19 infections. Therefore, Northern has updated our preventative measures including, for example, more frequent testing for everyone on campus.
Weekly Testing
Due to the Omicron variant and the current rise in COVID infections locally, Northern is taking the following precautions for Spring 2022:
All students and employees must be tested and confirmed "negative" -- regardless of vaccination status -- prior to coming on campus. If you will not be on campus, this does not apply to you.
If your initial rapid test is positive, a follow-up PCR test should be administered. If that too is positive, then you will need to isolate for five (5) days, per the new CDC quarantine protocol. You can return to campus once your quarantine is complete AND you are symptom free for 24 hours. You must wear a mask for 5 days following, anywhere in public, in additon to work.
At this time, weekly testing of all students and employees is expected for several weeks, until local infections decline significantly. Obviously, we are monitoring the situation and will pass along additional information when it becomes available.
Northern will offer free COVID testing for students on all three Northern campuses starting next week. Roxby Labs will be on our Wheeling campus to provide tests (please enter through the B&O rear entrance) on Thursday, 1/13, and Friday, 1/14, noon-2pm, for STUDENTS AND EMPLOYEES. A full schedule of on-campus testing on all three campuses will be available soon.
In addition, there are several places in the community offering free rapid or PCR tests like OVMC/Roxby in Wheeling. Roxby Labs has also partnered with Moundsville Pharmacy and their other locations in Sistersville, Pine Grove, and New Martinsville to offer tests. MedExpress, many local pharmacies, and local health departments also offer tests.
Here are just a few local testing options:
The Ohio County Health Department offers free testing, Mon-Fri, 9 am-3pm, at the OVMC site in Wheeling. You just drive-up to the upper parking deck and they come out to get your information and provide the test. The results are generally available online in 24 hours.
CHANGE, Inc., in downtown Weirton is offering free COVID tests Monday-Friday from 8-3 p.m. You just drive-up and they come out to get your information and provide the test. The results are available in 24 hours.
The Wetzel-Tyler Health Department provides free COVID tests every Thursday, 2-4 pm, with no appointment needed. Just pull into the parking lot to one of the designated cones and call the number listed there. Stay in your car and someone will come to you. It is located at 425 South Fourth Avenue, Paden City, 304-337-2001, (go south past Dollar General and you will pass the old school building on the right, turn at the next street to go to the back parking lot). You can follow them on Facebook (Wetzel-Tyler Health Department). If you need the vaccine or booster, you can walk-in on their designated days/times (call or follow them on Facebook to find out when).
Please remember, if you are not tested on campus your test must be monitored in person or monitored via telehealth virtually. If you test positive, please follow up with a PCR test. The PCR test takes a day or two to get results, but it is more reliable than rapid tests. Most drug stores and health departments offer these tests.
If you are not tested on campus, please submit your test result, positive or negative, to the new D2L Learning Management System. CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Students will be able to access Brightspace beginning Monday, January 10.
Vaccines and Boosters
Again, it is imperative that we continue to do our part to protect ourselves and each other as we navigate this latest wave of COVID-19 infections. Please, please, please…we urge you to get vaccinated and get your booster shot as soon as you become eligible. The added protection of the booster is critical now, so if you have been waiting for a reason, there is no time like the present.
Additional Safety Measures
1. We are locking all exterior doors so that we can monitor visitors and ensure that they are following our protocols, before entering. When your classes start on campus, you will be able to use your Student I.D. for access to buildings. However, if you are coming to campus prior to the start of classes, you will follow instructions posted on the door to gain access. You may be instructed to call or use a video-monitored doorbell to gain access.
2. Some lecture-only classes may be remote for the first couple of weeks of the semester. Lab courses and applied technology courses will remain on campus at the start of the semester. If your class will be conducted remotely, your instructor will be in touch with you next week.
3. Consider upgrading your face mask to a more effective N-95, KN-95, or other similar standards. Cloth masks, gators, etc., do not offer the same level of protection from airborne particulates.
4. Remain mindful of the six-foot social distance standard.
5. Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer more frequently.
Your safety will always be Northern’s top priority. Thank you again for choosing Northern and for all you are doing to ensure a safe return to our spring 2022 semester!
I hope Thanksgiving provided a nice break and you are ready to finish the semester strong! The COVID Task Force would like to share the following updates with you prior to our Winter break.
Omicron Variant
We are monitoring the new variant, Omicron, with concern that it may impact our Spring semester. Omicron has already been detected in 20 plus countries (including the US) and there is growing unease over the number of possible mutations. However, there are still many unknowns with this new variant, so we will continue to gauge its potential impact in the US and in the Ohio Valley. After Winter break, we anticipate a couple of changes to what we are currently doing to battle COVID-19 and its variants.
Vaccines & Boosters
With that being said, the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones this holiday season is to get vaccinated. Vaccines are free and readily available, so please consider taking this important step if you (or a loved one) haven’t already been vaccinated.
Although the vaccines work well, there is diminishing protection as time goes on. If you were vaccinated six months ago or longer, I urge you to get your booster shot for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine now. If you received the Johnson & Johnson vaccination, you need to a booster shot two months after your vaccination. Getting a booster will help continue to keep you safe against COVID-19 and its variants.
Omicron makes it more important than ever to get vaccinated and/or boosted.
Updated Guidelines for Spring 2022
Starting in January, we will require all students and employees to be fully vaccinated or get tested weekly. The Task Force decided to share this now, providing everyone with ample time to adapt to this new guideline. The spring semester starts on Tuesday, January 18.
Staff should submit their Vaccine Record Card or a negative test result no later than January 7th.
Faculty and students should submit their Vaccine Record Card or a negative test result no later than January 14th.
As of right now, all COVID precautions that Northern currently has in place will remain the same including indoor masks, social distancing, etc. We will continue to do everything we can to keep our Northern community safe, while maintain an engaging learning environment.
As always, if you have any questions reach out to the task force at coronavirus@wvncc.edu
Following is additional information about COVID-19 protocols that were posted on Northern’s website last week.
Effective August 9, these updated protocols apply to all students, employees, and visitors who enter indoor spaces on any Northern campus. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, please do so at: https://www.wvncc.edu/coronavirus-update.
A new requirement of everyone on Northern campuses is to complete a brief survey in the Student Covid Reporting class in Blackboard. In this course, there will be an assignment where you will respond to questions regarding your vaccination status. After these questions, you will either:
submit a record of your vaccination -- Those who are vaccinated will submit a copy or photo of the COVID Vaccination Report Card issued to you at the time of your vaccination.
submit biweekly COVID PCR test results -- Those who are unvaccinated will submit biweekly COVID test results (see below) in the Test Results module.
COVID Vaccines
The most important thing that all of us can do is to get vaccinated, ASAP. mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) are, by far, the most reliable defense against COVID-19 and the Delta variant. If you are not yet vaccinated, please speak with your doctor then visit https://www.vaccines.gov/ to find a vaccine location near you.
COVID Testing
If you are unvaccinated, a negative COVID PCR test result is required every two weeks. The first negative test result is due prior to August 23, the first day of classes. If you are unable to meet this target date, a grace period is available for no later than Friday, September 3. You can submit your bi-weekly test result in the Student Covid Reporting class in Blackboard.
Free COVID testing is available through local health departments in all counties served by Northern. MedExpress and many local pharmacies also offer COVID testing services for a fee. Following are just a few of the many locations where you can be tested:
Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department Testing daily at their OVMC location at 2000 Eoff Street
Wetzel County New Martinsville Walgreens and Sistersville Fire Department
Brooke County Health Department
Hancock County Health Department Weirton Salvation Army on Tuesday’s from 10am-Noon New Cumberland (outside tent) near the Magistrate’s office: Thursday’s from 1:30-3:30pm
Marshall County Health Department
Northern will maintain a small supply of tests on each campus for anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
Face Masks
Per the CDC, Northern is returning to mandatory face masks for everyone while indoors. Note that N-95 and KN-95 masks are the most effective respiratory PPE.
If you are unable to fulfill any of these requirements, please talk to your advisor and consider our online classes. Your advisor’s contact information is listed in your student portal. If you need additional assistance visit https://www.wvncc.edu/offices-and-services/academic-advising/2183.
Northern is closely monitoring this pandemic, including the Delta variant, and we are taking every precaution to make this a safe semester for all students, employees and our community. Your safety is our top priority. Please click here for a brief video from UC Davis that explains the Delta variant. If you have any questions or concerns about COVID, you can email Northern’s COVID-19 Task Force at coronavirus@wvncc.edu.
Thank you in advance for doing your part.
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
August 6, 2021: Guidelines Update
After several months without face masks and looking forward to a “new normal” Fall semester, the Delta variant of COVID is currently in the news and is becoming a real and growing threat here in WV. Unfortunately, the Delta variant is also here in our region, and we must do what we can to navigate it carefully. I know this comes at a difficult time as we’ve already made plans for the Fall reopening, but as we have learned through this pandemic, we need to be flexible and pivot when necessary. This is such a time.
Northern’s COVID Task Force members attended several sobering meetings this week to discuss Delta with local health departments, the state Chancellor’s Office, and some of our top state health officials. In just several weeks’ time, Delta has become the dominate strain of COVID across the US and here in WV. All COVID indicators are moving in the wrong direction as infections, hospitalizations and deaths are increasing sharply – particularly among individuals who have not been vaccinated. The following is what we learned in these recent meetings:
What You Need to Know About the Delta Variant
The Delta variant is a mutated form of COVID. It is more contagious, faster spreading, and with more acute symptoms & health consequences for those who become infected. In two recent outbreaks (India and the UK), Delta hit much faster and much harder.
The duration of Delta outbreaks, however, appear to be shorter. In India, where there were very few vaccinated, it lasted about 10-12 weeks. In the UK, where the vaccination rate was above 60 percent, Delta lasted only 6-8 weeks. It is thought that here in the US, with our vaccination rate at 50 percent (40 percent here in WV), the duration of this Delta wave might be around 8-10 weeks.
Delta is highly contagious. This is primarily due to the exceptionally high viral load in respiratory secretions – up to 1,000 times higher. Respiratory secretions are found in both the mouth and nasal cavity. This high viral load reduces the effectiveness of some COVID precautions like masking and social distancing.
COVID-19 vaccines, particularly mRNA-based vaccines (Pfizer & Moderna) offer strong protection against the Delta variant. The J&J vaccine is less effective but is still believed to provide good protection against Delta.
Young people are getting sicker with the Delta variant; they can become very ill very fast. Older people are not getting infected in the large numbers that we experienced earlier because older US adults became eligible for vaccines first and are already largely vaccinated.
In the US, Delta hospitalizations and deaths are currently rising at alarming rates among unvaccinated individuals. There are some “breakthrough” cases in which vaccinated individuals become infected by Delta, but these cases generally result in very few hospitalizations and even fewer deaths. The takeaway is that vaccinations work, and for the few breakthrough infections, these cases will likely be mild, not acute.
Hospitalization rates here in WV are at the highest level since mid-May and are increasing daily. We appear to already be in the early phase of a Delta outbreak.
With all this sobering news about the Delta variant, our COVID Task Force is taking the following precautions, effective Monday, August 9. Please note that this reflects a multi-layered strategy with each layer providing some additional protection, but no layer is 100 percent effective.
The most important message that our COVID-19 Task Force has taken away from these meetings is that mRNA vaccines are, by far, the best and most reliable defense against COVID-19 and the Delta variant. We have been urging students and employees to get vaccinated since vaccines became available and we will continue to do so. I am proud that the overwhelming majority of Northern employees are vaccinated and for that we are grateful.
Although there are cases of vaccinated people contacting and transmitting the Delta variant, the effects on vaccinated individuals are much less acute. The most important thing that everyone can do is to please get vaccinated, ASAP. If you are not vaccinated, please speak with your doctor then visit https://www.vaccines.gov/ to find a vaccine center near you.
Other Guideline Updates
Unfortunately, with this new Delta variant, we are beginning to feel like we are back to the Spring of 2020 when our COVID-19 Task Force was meeting multiple times a week and changes were happening weekly, if not daily. As new information becomes available, we are meeting and making decisions in the best interest of our students and employees. Our top priority is your safety. With that in mind, and in the interest of protecting everyone, we are making these changes to our COVID Guidelines for employees and for students:
Starting Monday, August 9:
Per CDC guidelines, we are returning to mandatory face masks while indoors. Some of the counties we serve are already in substantial or high transmission. Note that N-95 and KN-95 masks are the most effective respiratory PPE.
No external groups will be permitted to meet on campus or to use our facilities. This will limit the number of people, aside from employees and students, on campus. In general, all classes and on-campus meetings & gatherings are limited to no more than 10 persons.
In addition:
Everyone on campus will receive instructions for submitting your declaration/verification of vaccination prior to the start of the semester on August 23 or submit proof of regular “negative” COVID test results during the semester. There will be medical exceptions, of course. Details will follow.
Free COVID testing is being offered through each health department in the counties that we serve, at MedExpress, or at local pharmacies. We will also maintain a supply of tests on each campus for anyone exhibiting symptoms or any employee who wishes to be tested. These are just a few other locations where you can be tested:
Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department
OVMC – Main entrance @ 2000 Eoff Street
New Martinsville Walgreens & Sistersville Fire Department
Brooke County Health Department
Hancock County Health Department
Marshall County Health Department
Our contact tracing team(s) are ramping-up their efforts should we need them. Given the transmissibility of the Delta variant, we are expecting virus outbreaks so contact tracing is critical to reducing virus spread.
I was proud of the leadership our COVID-19 Task Force and all employees showed last year, quickly making decisions that helped to save lives and reduce the burden felt from this pandemic. We will call on many of you to step-up again. Please be prepared to take any necessary steps quickly, like we did last year. We hope we do not have to take the following measures but, if need be, be ready for remote learning or remote working should it come to that decision.
Thundering Chickens will be ready to do whatever it takes, and we will get through this. You have proven this time-and-time-again these last 18 months.
Please be well, stay safe, and stay tuned.
July 19, 2021: Student Updates
Our Coronavirus Task Force continues to monitor local infection rates, vaccination rates, plus the Delta variant and other potential COVID risks/treats. We are meeting regularly and continue communicating with local health departments. We are also monitoring what other colleges and universities are announcing about their plans for the Fall semester.
Thankfully, we really do not have much to report at this time.
Northern Vaccine Clinics — July 27
On July 27, the college will host vaccination clinics on all three Northern campuses from 1–3 p.m. This opportunity is open to all college employees, students and community members. If you are not yet vaccinated, I encourage you to attend one of our clinics on July 27.
Currently, about 46% of West Virginians have received one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine and about 39% are fully-vaccinated. Among Northern employees, our fully-vaccinated rate is much higher, well over 60%.
Presently, we are planning to have classes on-campus for the Fall semester. The college's face mask mandate was lifted on July 1 (for vaccinated individuals) and we have no plans for a vaccine mandate. However, the recent spike in Delta variant infections worldwide and here in the US has us concerned, given the relatively low vaccination rate in WV. We are watching this carefully.
Following is the latest from the COVID-19 Task Force. We are certainly encouraged by the direction we are headed locally with vaccinations and declining COVID infection rates. We hope everyone continues to do their part to protect themselves and others.
Like many states, WV has loosened its COVID restrictions (e.g., face mask requirements) following the same by CDC for vaccinated individuals. As vaccination rates rise nationwide, there is a public policy shift underway placing increased emphasis on individual choice/responsibility vs. public health mandates. Likewise, responsibility for the consequences of these individual choices is shifting from a public/institutional risk to the individual.
Colleges and universities likewise are experiencing this rapidly shifting landscape. Hundreds of colleges have already announced 100% vaccination requirements for all employees and students for the Fall 2021 semester (mostly 4-year colleges and universities). Others are encouraging vaccinations while loosening mask requirements. Presently, WVNCC is leaning toward the latter, but we continue to closely monitor the situation locally.
We are instituting changes to some of Northern's current practices, EFFECTIVE JULY 1:
In accordance with the CDC and the West Virginia Governor's recommendation, as of July 1 WVNCC will no longer require masks on our campuses. However, we do encourage unvaccinated individuals to please wear a mask on campus, especially indoors, and especially when in close proximity to others.
Also, the gym, all games, pool tables, ping pong tables, etc., will be made available to students. We encourage all students to please wipe all fitness and game accessories with Clorox wipes between uses. The college will continue to provide wipes and hand sanitizer.
COVID testing will remain available upon request. Please contact Bonnie Peterman (304-214-8883 or bpeterman@wvnncc.edu) if you would like to schedule testing via the college.
We are working with the Wheeling/Ohio County Health Department to schedule two or more vaccine clinics, on-campuses, in August and early September. We will let you know when these dates are confirmed.
We will be re-opening our libraries to the public as of July 1, 2021.
May 26, 2021: Student Updates
In light of recent changes to CDC face mask recommendations for vaccinated individuals, this is a brief college update.
Mask Mandate
Northern will continue our indoor mask mandate for all students and employees. Vaccinated individuals may choose to not wear a mask outdoors. We will revisit our Guidelines this summer, but the COVID Task Force has chosen to take a cautious approach, for now. If more and more people continue to get vaccinated and COVID cases continue to decline locally, we will revisit this policy for the fall semester. So, for the immediate future, all students and employees are still required to wear a mask on campus while indoors.
Travel Guidelines
We have revisited our travel Guidelines for vaccinated individuals. If you are vaccinated and have traveled, you no longer are required to quarantine or get tested upon your return if you remain asymptomatic. The rest of our current travel guidelines remain in effect.
The COVID Task Force will continue to monitor this situation closely. We will provide updates, as needed.
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
May 14, 2021: CARES Act Student Grants Update
REVISION 5/14/21
Dear WVNCC Student – We hope this finds you well!
West Virginia Northern received approximately $366k dollars in HEERF II funds from the CRRSA Act. These funds are designated to assist students in need during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, WVNCC will designate approximately $208k dollars of the HEERF II funds received for institutional support for a total student award of approximately $574k dollars in student relief aid.
HEERF II funds are designed to place priority on need-based students, such as those who qualify to receive Federal Pell grants. Eligible students include degree-seeking, nondegree, noncredit, and continuing education students, as well as students who are simultaneously enrolled in high school and college (Early Entrance).
Under the CRRSAA, grants are eligible for either of the following:
Any component of the student’s cost of attendance; or
Emergency costs that arise due to Coronavirus, such as but not limited to tuition, food, housing, health care, mental health care, or child care.
Northern used the following formula-based distribution to disburse the HEERF II aid to eligible students.
Refunds amounts will vary from student to student. Students will receive:
Pell eligible students received an automatic $400 award.
Early Enrollment (EE) Students received a flat $50 award per semester.
The following tiers were applied based on credit hours attempted:
1-5 (less than half-time) = $225 6-8 (half time) = $250 9-11 (three quarter time) = $275 12-15 (full-time state hours) = $300 16-35 (full time plus) = $325
Students should receive their CARES Funding from WVNCC before the end of May.
Additionally, credit hours were comprised of hours attempted by students enrolled during the Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 semesters.
Questions about the emergency grants can be directed to:
This information is based on the latest guidance available from the Department of Education and may not be the final update to how the government requires colleges to distribute the funds.
May 11, 2021: CARES Act Student Grants Update
Dear WVNCC Student – We hope this finds you well!
West Virginia Northern received an additional amount of approximately $366k dollars in HEERF II funds from the CRRSA Act. These funds are designated to assist students in need during the coronavirus pandemic.
HEERF II funds are designed to place priority on need-based students, such as those who qualify to receive Federal Pell grants. Eligible students include degree-seeking, nondegree, noncredit, and continuing education students, as well as students who are simultaneously enrolled in high school and college (Early Entrance).
Under the CRRSAA, grants are eligible for either of the following:
Any component of the student’s cost of attendance; or
Emergency costs that arise due to Coronavirus, such as but not limited to tuition, food, housing, health care, mental health care, or child care.
Northern plans to use the following formula-based distribution to disburse the HEERF II aid to eligible students.
You do not need to apply for these funds. If you qualify they will automatically be disbursed through BankMobile.
Refunds amounts will vary from student to student. Students will receive:
Pell eligible students received an automatic $400 award.
Early Enrollment (EE) Students received a flat $50 award.
The following tiers were applied based on credit hours attempted:
1-5 (less than half-time) = $225 6-8 (half time) = $250 9-11 (three quarter time) = $275 12-15 (full-time state hours) = $300 16-35 (full time plus) = $325
Students should receive their CARES Funding from WVNCC before the end of May.
Additionally, credit hours were comprised of hours attempted by students enrolled during the Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 semesters.
Questions about the emergency grants can be directed to:
This information is based on the latest guidance available from the Department of Education and may not be the final update to how the government requires colleges to distribute the funds.
WVNCC had posted to their website (www.wvncc.edu) the “CARES Act Student Grants Final Update”. The initial award amount granted had been completed disbursed to students fulfilling all requirements.
Subsequently, WVNCC has been awarded an additional $366,159 for Student Grants.
The College is convening a committee to evaluate new guidelines for the disbursement of this new award. It is anticipated that WVNCC will develop a plan in accordance with all regulations and make the disbursements during the next quarter (April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021).
December 31, 2020: CARES Act Student Grants Final Update
Welcome to the Spring 2021 semester! With many of you preparing to graduate in May, I know this will be a very exciting time.
I wanted to update you on a few items related to COVID-19 as you start your Spring classes.
Classroom vs Online Learning
As noted in last week's update, all classes will be conducted online for our first week of the semester (January 19-22).
We plan to conduct some lab courses on-campus starting January 25th. Your instructor will let you know if/when your classes will meet on-campus. For the week of January 25, most classes will continue to meet online.
Everyone on-campus must follow the COVID Guidelines developed by the college. Basic precautions include wearing a face mask, social distancing, not coming on campus if you are feeling ill, etc. The Guidelines are posted on your student portal and can also be found at the top of the Coronavirus page on our website. If you are a new student, our Guidelines will be emailed to you along with an Acknowledgement Form that you must sign and return to the college. These Guidelines must be followed to ensure a safe learning environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your instructor or email coronavirus@wvncc.edu.
Required COVID Surveillance Testing
At the direction of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, all colleges and universities in the state are conducting COVID-19 surveillance testing during the Spring 2021 semester. Testing is required for everyone on-campus (Students with all online classes need not be tested). Our strategy is to test a ten (10) percent sample of students and employees weekly. Testing will be available on all three campuses. Free testing will be done via saliva collection, not nasal swab. The test should take less than five minutes to complete. Samples will be sent to the lab overnight and test results will generally be available in 1-3 days. Anyone with a positive test result will be contacted by the local health department and provided information for immediate medical care. WVNCC’s contact tracing team will also trace contacts with any positive cases. Testing is confidential and regulated by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) guidelines - https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html.
Some students, such as our Allied Health students, have already been tested. More information about surveillance testing will be provided to you soon.6
COVID-19 Vaccines
We have been informed that the COVID-19 vaccine will be available, statewide, for college students including us here at Northern! We anticipate this will occur early in the Spring semester. We will share details with you as soon as vaccines are made available. I encourage all of you to take advantage of this opportunity to be vaccinated.
Please be sure to monitor the Coronavirus page on our website for updates. Also, make sure you are checking your WVNCC email daily. Please download our WVNCC Go App and follow the college’s social media channels for the latest information from Northern.
Best of luck on the start of this new semester!
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
January 11, 2021: Covid-19 Spring Semester Update
Dear WVNNC Students –
I hope that you had a wonderful break and holiday season. Our faculty and staff are gearing-up for what will be a great semester! I know we are all looking forward to a happier new year.
I wanted to update you on a few things related to COVID-19 as you prepare to start your Spring 2021 classes.
January 19 – Spring 2021 Semester Starts Online
Our Covid-19 Task Force continues meeting regularly and closely monitoring the pandemic. Although cases are on the rise, there is reason for hope as vaccines begin to roll-out. The College has decided to move all classes online for the first week of the semester (January 19-22). l will update you regularly regarding our proposed return to campus on January 25 – the second week of classes.
I know most of you are now equipped and comfortable with online learning. For some, the Spring semester will remain all online. For others, especially students in our technical program areas with lab courses that require hands-on training, we are committed to getting you into our labs as soon as it is safe to do so. We were able to safely convene many of these classes this past Fall semester and our hope is to do the same in the Spring. Our first priority will always be your safety.
I was extremely proud of our students and employees who adhered to our safety guidelines in the Fall. We will email an updated copy of these guidelines to you soon. You will be required to sign and return an Acknowledgement form, the same as we did in the Fall. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your instructor or email coronavirus@wvncc.edu
Required COVID Surveillance Testing
At the direction of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, all colleges and universities in the state are conducting COVID-19 surveillance testing during the Spring 2021 semester. Testing is required for anyone on campus, not our completely online students. Our strategy is to test a ten (10) percent sample of students and employees weekly. Testing will be available at all three campus locations.
Free testing will be done via saliva collection, not nasal swab. The test should take less than five minutes to complete. Samples will be sent to the lab overnight and test results will generally be available in 1-3 days. Anyone with a positive test result will be contacted by the health department and provided information for immediate medical care. WVNCC’s contact tracing team will also trace contacts with any positive cases. Testing is confidential and regulated by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines - https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html. More specific details regarding testing dates and times will be provided soon.
COVID-19 Vaccines Soon Available for All WVNCC Students
We have been informed that the COVID-19 vaccine will be available, statewide, for all college students including us here at Northern! We anticipate this will occur early in the Spring semester. We will share details with you as soon as the vaccines are made available. I would encourage all of you to take advantage of this opportunity.
Please be sure to monitor the Coronavirus page on our website for updates. Also, make sure you are checking your WVNCC email daily. Please download our WVNCC Go App and follow the college’s social media channels for the latest information.
I am excited for the start of a new semester and I look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Please be safe and best of luck this semester!
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
December 31, 2020: CARES Act Institutional Portion
I trust that you are working hard to complete the Fall semester strong and to prepare for your final exams. If you have any questions or need help with any of your classes, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructors or the Academic Support Center. Before this semester ends, and most of us leave to enjoy a well-deserved Winter Break, I want to provide you with the following contact information and make sure that you have registered for your Spring classes.
This past week, the college suspended all walk-in services due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in our community. We are continuing to provide all students services remotely. The phone numbers and email addresses you may need for registration and other student support services are listed below. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance.
Please register now for your Spring classes. This will ensure your seat in the classes you need most and will give you peace of mind knowing that you are ready for the Spring term starting on January 19, 2021.
If you are unsure about any of your Spring classes or have any questions about registering for the Spring semester, please reach out to your advisor. Starting next week, college staff will be contacting all students who haven’t yet registered for their Spring classes via text, e-mail, and phone.
The week of December 14th, we will be hosting a “Virtual Express Spring Registration” event. This is a convenient online option for you to connect with an advisor, Financial Aid, etc., ask any questions, plus get registered live for your Spring classes. Our faculty, staff, and advisors will be present. There is also a phone option for anyone not familiar with Zoom. Once you enter, you will be placed in your own virtual breakout room, where you will be assisted, one-on-one, by an advisor or other staff member who will answer questions then help you register for your classes. It is convenient, private, and quick! There will be additional information sent out in the coming days, but please mark your calendar now:
December 17, 11am-2pm If you have any questions about this event or even how to use Zoom, please reach out to Regan Blaha, any time before the event, at 304-214-8838 or rblaha@wvncc.edu. You can also use the chat feature located at the bottom left-hand corner of our website.
This time of year can sometimes bring about additional stress, anxiety and worry. This year may be even more difficult since we may not be able to visit with family and friends like we have in the past. The College has partnered with WellConnect, a free online mental health service for all Northern students and employees. They offer a wide variety of services for things like test anxiety, stress, relationship issues, financial challenges, depression, legal concerns, daily living needs, and school/life balance. Simply visit the Mental Health Resource Page for all the information. This is a free benefit to you as a Northern student, so please utilize it!
Good luck with your final exams and best wishes for a relaxing Winter Break. Please continue to do everything you can to prevent the spread of this virus and to protect yourself and your loved ones. I wish each and every one of you a safe and joyous holiday season and I look forward to seeing you here for the Spring semester.
Be safe and stay well Thundering Chickens,
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
Admissions & General Information: 304-214-8839 or info@wvncc.edu
Advisors, Tutors, & Academic Support Center: 304-214-8923 or asc@wvncc.edu
Bookstore: Book returns – Barnes & Noble: 304-214-8930 Books for Spring Semester – Akademos: 866-801-6632 or visit https://wvncc.textbookx.com
I hope this finds you well and that you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
Our WVNCC COVID-19 Task Force met today to discuss the recent spikes in coronavirus our region has been experiencing the last few days. In light of the recent surges in coronavirus cases locally, and out of an abundance of caution, the task force has made the decision to have our employees work from home the week of November 30 – December 4. As you are aware, classes are remote the remainder of the semester, but we wanted to let you know that employees will not be on campus next week. However, faculty and staff are available to you during normal business hours.
Do not hesitate to reach out to our employees if you have any questions or concerns. The quickest way to get your questions answered is usually through the chat feature on the bottom left hand corner of our website. However, feel free to call or email. Some of the most commonly needed phone numbers are below:
Admissions/general questions: 304-214-8839
Advisor/Tutor/Academic Support Center: 304-214-8923
Bookstore: Book returns – Barnes & Noble Bookstore: 304-214-8930 Books for Spring Semester – Akademos: 866-801-6632 or visit their website
Billing: 304-214-8843
Financial Aid: 304-214-8844
During this time we encourage you avoid large gatherings, social distance, wear a mask, and follow recommendations from the CDC.
All student activities that were scheduled for next week were already scheduled to be offered virtually. These will still take place, including our Cyber Monday registration event. Please join us Monday, December 30, from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. to speak to our advisors and counselors via Zoom and to get registered for the spring semester. This is the easiest way to have your questions answered while you register for the spring semester. Zoom in for this very important event!
Please be safe and stay well,
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
November 23, 2020: Student Appointment Information
On Monday, November 30, classes for the remainder of the Fall Semester will be remote, as planned and the campuses will be open to students by appointment only. If you need assistance we are encouraging you to take advantage of the available services that can be handled remotely. The easiest and quickest ways to get your questions answered is by using the chat feature on the bottom left hand corner of our website. However, if you would like to apply, register, talk to financial aid and more, face-to-face, you can make an appointment Monday – Friday, on our Wheeling, New Martinsville or Weirton Campus. The phone numbers to make an appointment are below. However, you must adhere to the following guidelines:
Our main doors will be locked. Arrive at your scheduled time and the person you are meeting will meet you at the main door.
We will take your temperature when you arrive. If your temperature is over 100.4 you will not be permitted in the building.
You will be required to wear a face covering to enter the building. If you do not have a face covering a disposable one will be provided.
We encourage you to come by yourself, however we will allow up to one other person to accompany you on campus. They will also have to adhere to these guidelines.
Please always observe social distancing when possible.
You will be asked a few screening questions as well before you will be permitted into the building.
When you are done with your appointment you will not be permitted to remain in the building.
To book an appointment please contact:
Admissions/general questions:
Advisor/Tutor/Academic Support Center:
Book returns – Barnes & Noble Bookstore: 304-214-8930
Unfortunately, we had some additional positive test results over the weekend, so I am providing a brief update. As of today, we have:
five (5) active cases in which students are in 14-day quarantines.
two (2) completed cases…students completed the 14-day quarantine period and are now symptom-free.
Following are some corrections to our testing hours in Weirton:
Monday & Thursday — 7:30 - 8:30am & 11:45am - 2pm
Wednesday — 7:30am - 12 noon
Tuesday and Friday are not available.
There is currently a nationwide surge in COVID-19 cases. Many WV counties are experiencing the highest levels of COVID-positive cases to date. WV now appears red (high alert) on many of the national coronavirus maps. This includes four of the five counties in the WV Northern Panhandle (excluding Hancock). Our testing confirms that Northern students are also experiencing this surge. Please DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. Re-double your efforts to adhere to CDC and College guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus. This includes:
Use of face masks.
Social distancing, six feet or more.
Frequent hand washing.
Avoid gatherings, especially indoors.
Please be safe and stay well,
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
November 6, 2020: Covid-19 Update
I hope this finds all of you well. I wanted to provide a COVID-19 update as it relates to our College.
COVID-19 cases at WVNCC
Since our first reported case last week, we have learned of additional cases. WVNCC currently has a total of four students who hav tested positive for COVID-19. Anyone who tested positive was immediately contacted by our Contact Tracing Team. Anyone who came into contact with the infected person was also contacted directly. In some cases, the positive person had not been on campus, or if they were, they had a limited presence on campus. Any area(s) impacted have been professionally cleaned and disinfected.
We will continue to monitor these cases and our Contract Tracing Team will continue to have regular communication with our quarantined students. We will continue to support their needs while they are in quarantine.
We will also continue to update our website with "active cases" and "completed cases." Once an infected person completes their quarantine period they will be re-classified as a completed case.
If you have any questions about contact tracing please email contacttracing@wvnncc.edu. To stay up-to-date on cases at Northern continue to visit the coronavirus page on our website.
Surveillance Testing
Weekly testing continues – please refer to the schedule below. If you did not appear for your test in previous weeks, please reschedule immediately by emailing Bonnie Peterman at bpeterman@wvncc.edu or Jill Keyser at jkeyser@wvncc.edu. As a reminder, testing is mandatory. If you come to campus for any reason, you must complete the mandatory testing. Testing is confidential and regulated by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) guidelines - https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html
Testing has enabled us to ascertain positive cases and begin quarantining procedures, thus keeping family members, Northern, and our community safe from spreading COVID-19 to others. A continued thank you to Bonnie Peterman, Jill Keyser, John Lantz, MaryJean McIntosh, and all nursing students who have been conducting testing on behalf of Northern.
Upcoming Class Schedule
As a reminder, all classes will switch to remote learning following our Thanksgiving break. This starts on Monday, November 30, and continues for the remainder of the semester. Students will receive additional information about their classes directly from their instructors. We look forward with great excitement and determination to the successful conclusion of this semester.
Please do not let your guard down. Remain vigilant to preserve the health and well-being of yourselves and all those around you. Continue all the recommended safely protocols to keep yourself and everyone around you safe such as wearing masks, social distancing, and hand washing.
We are grateful for the everyone’s extra efforts. Finally, I would like to recognize the incredible charity and resiliency you have demonstrated during these challenging times.
Please take care,
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
October 29, 2020: Positive COVID Case
Good morning:
We have been informed that a WVNCC student tested positive for COVID-19 (pending confirmation).
Anyone who was recently in close contact with this student has been notified to quarantine per the CDC guidelines posted on our website at www.wvncc.edu.
Please continue to follow the precautions that reduce the spread of COVID-19, including:
Practice social distancing.
Always wear a face mask on campus or anytime you are in public and cannot social distance.
Always thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
Practice good respiratory etiquette for coughs and sneezes by covering your nose and mouth with tissue, cloth, or inner elbow, and then immediately wash or sanitize your hands.
Stay home if you are sick.
For additional information on COVID-19, please visit the CDC website. We will continue to provide updates as the situation warrants.
Please stay safe,
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
October 16, 2020: COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Update
As you should be aware, at the direction of West Virginia Governor, Jim Justice, we started Covid-19 surveillance testing recently. Many of you have been tested already, but we have scheduled additional times in the coming weeks if you have not gotten tested yet.
Please read our FAQ’s regarding testing, including the time you are scheduled for this mandatory testing.
At the direction of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, all colleges and universities in West Virginia are required to start COVID-19 surveillance testing, right away. WVNCC will start testing the week of October 5 and continue for the remainder of the fall semester.
Our Allied Health and Nursing faculty will oversee our testing program. They will be assisted by our nursing students to test a ten (10) percent sample of our students and employees weekly at all three campus locations. During this first week, we are seeking volunteers. However, after that, testing will be conducted through a random selection process. By testing a random cross section, the state hopes to detect infected individuals and prevent them from infecting others. The more people tested, the better opportunity there is to stop outbreaks of COVID-19 on our campuses.
Free testing will be done via saliva collection, not nasal swab. The test should take less than five minutes to complete. Samples will be sent to the lab overnight and test results will generally be available in 1-3 days. Anyone with a positive test result will be contacted by the health department and provided information for immediate medical care. WVNCC’s contact tracing team will trace contacts with any positive cases. Testing is confidential and regulated by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) guidelines - https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html
If you volunteer or are selected for testing, you cannot eat, drink chew gum, smoke, or vape for 30 minutes prior to your test. Per the Governor’s directive, testing is mandatory - if you are randomly selected for testing, you must participate.
More specific details regarding testing dates and times will be provided soon. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Health Sciences Division Chair, Bonnie Peterman (bpeterman@wvncc.edu or 304-214-8883) or Professor of Nursing, Jill Keyser (jkeyser@wvncc.edu or 304-214-8876).
Please continue to monitor the Coronavirus page on our website for the latest information.
I appreciate your cooperation and your dedication to campus health and safety.
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
September 30, 2020: CARES ACT Institutional Portion
WVNCC had posted to their website (www.wvncc.edu) the initial CARES Act Student Grants Update on May 28, 2020. The report fulfilled the requirements to explain the communication to students, methodology of distribution and distribution amounts. That report remains available for reference.
WVNCC’s only planned distribution was to 805 students for a cumulative amount of $366,307.25, exceeding the received funds of $366,159. As of date, WVNCC has verified that 801 students have received funds totaling $364,900.25.
The undelivered portion consists of $1,407.00 for 4 students. For this remaining amount, there have been logistical challenges of delivery; method used for refunds through our third party vendor are no longer valid, closed bank accounts, or change of address without notification.
WVNCC continues to work diligently to disperse the remaining funds to students according to the initial plan. However, if after the month of November, the efforts do not prove successful, the College will make an alternate plan to fulfill the requirements of 100% dispersion of received CARES Act funds that are purposed for emergency student grants.
The College believes that actions were taken in good faith to distribute all of the funds according to the initial plan and if any re-allocation occurs, it will be in accordance with all regulations.
WVNCC will comply with the reporting requirements by reporting quarterly until all funds have been distributed appropriately. Upon complete satisfaction of distribution requirements, a “Final Quarterly Posting” will be made.
August 21, 2020: Fall Return
Thundering Chickens –
I hope you enjoyed your summer as best you could, given the situation with COVID-19. As many of you have been navigating our “new normal,” I admire your perseverance, patience, determination. I am extremely grateful that you have chosen WVNCC this fall despite the challenges we all face.
I know every new semester comes with a different level of anxiety and this semester will have its own apprehensions. Not only are you worried about finding your classes or logging into your student portal, but you now have a heightened level of awareness for staying safe amidst this pandemic. To that point, I want to share with you our “Return to Campus -- Student Guidelines.” These guidelines were created by the COVID-19Task Force based on information from the CDC; federal, state, and local authorities; as well as local Health Departments.
Our goal is to keep all students, employees, and community members safe, so it is imperative that you follow these guidelines. I know many of you have chosen to take classes online and I am very pleased with the dedication our faculty put into making sure your learning will be consistent with the quality you expect from Northern. For those of you who are taking classes on campus or may have to stop in to conduct business, please review and adhere to the guidelines. I ask that each student please sign and return the acknowledgment form at your earliest opportunity after reading the guidelines. You can find the guidelines above and the acknowledgment form in your student portal.
I appreciate your commitment to keeping the college community safe and well! We have taken many precautions to ensure your safety as you will see in the guidelines. As we work together, I know we can reduce our health risks. So please, wear a face mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently, avoid gatherings, and stay home if you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19.
As the current situation with COVID-19 evolves, our guidelines may also change throughout the semester. We will communicate any changes to you and make sure you have the most up-to-date information. Please do your part by checking our Coronavirus page on the website, reading your weekly student newsletter, and following WVNCC on social media.
Many student activities and services will be virtual this semester and we promise to keep them engaging and fun. From orientation to our online tutoring in the Academic Support Center to student clubs and student activities, there are many ways to connect with your classmates and be involved with the College. A lot of things look and feel different right now, but I can assure you the one thing that has not changed is Northern’s commitment to our students. We offer a lot of resources on campus so please do not hesitate to reach out to us if we can help in any way. We are here for you.
I look forward to a unique, safe and enlightening semester with all of you!
Please be well,
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
August 14, 2020: Planning for Fall
Important message from WVNCC President
Covid-19 has made 2020 a surreal experience for all of us and has tested our tremendous capability to come together to respond to evolving circumstances. It has required us to take precautions and change behaviors to protect ourselves, our co-workers, neighbors, and loved ones.
This fall semester will be unlike any other – welcome to the “new normal.” What remains constant is Northern’s commitment to providing our community with access to high-quality educational opportunities at an affordable price. Our faculty and staff have been busy for many months planning for the fall. WVNCC is well-prepared to welcome our new and returning students to several flexible course options that include in-person, hybrid and online classes.
My paramount concern remains the health, safety, and well-being of our students and community. I write to share some decisions about the student experience this fall – and to sketch out our overall plans for the fall term. Obviously, we cannot control the trajectory of the pandemic. We also have no control over the government response. We must accept these as unknowns and be ready to adapt appropriately.
Here are our basic assumptions about the fall term:
We are offering many more classes online, so there will be far fewer people on campus at any given time.
All in-person classes will switch to online after Thanksgiving including any exams.
With few exceptions, everything that can be taught effectively online will be taught online.
Students who are on campus will have small group learning experiences, with particular focus on students who need access to labs for hands-on skills development.
What will life on campus be like? Unfortunately, our campuses will feel very different this fall. These changes will include:
Mandatory wearing of face masks
Physical distancing
Contact tracing
Staggered course scheduling and reconfigured classrooms and workspaces
Enhanced cleaning protocols
No large gatherings or classes
Much less travel
It is a lot to take in, I know. And details will matter. We will share more specifics with relevant groups and individuals on a rolling basis as key decisions are made. But for now, I wanted you to have the big picture.
Communication will remain a priority now and throughout the fall semester. WVNCC has created a Coronavirus Update on our website. We have also developed and circulated “Return to Campus Guidelines” for our employees. Guidelines for a safe return to campus for students will be emailed to you soon and posted on our website. The guidelines provide detailed information about health and safety policies and protocols that WVNCC will follow throughout the semester. This information will be updated on a regular basis.
With that said, we will remain flexible—individually and as a College community—as our understanding of Covid-19 and public health guidelines change in the months to come. Northern is closely monitoring local, state, and national health trends on a daily basis and will continue to follow best practices as advised by the CDC and state and local public health officials. We appreciate your patience and understanding and ask each of you to be prepared to do your part to protect the health of our entire campus community, as well as our friends, families, and neighbors.
I join you in feeling frustrated by the persistent uncertainty of this situation. We need to make decisions with incomplete, imprecise and dynamic information, and we are taking time to consult broadly. We truly appreciate everyone who continues to provide planning support, information, and feedback. The care and thoughtfulness shown by our community has helped us in our approach and our decisions so that all of us can safely return to classes. We promise to make timely decisions and communicate them promptly based on changing conditions and public health orders.
Please stay safe and healthy.
Daniel Mosser, Ph.D. WVNCC President
July 31, 2020: On-campus Appointments - Contact Information
Starting August 3, the campuses will be reopen to students by appointment only. If you need assistance we are still encouraging you to take advantage of the available services that can be handled remotely. However, if you would like to apply, register, talk to financial aid and more face-to-face, you can now make an appointment Monday – Thursday, on our Wheeling, New Martinsville or Weirton Campus. The phone numbers to make an appointment are below. However you must adhere to the following guidelines:
Our main doors will be locked. Arrive at your scheduled time and the person you are meeting will meet you at the main door.
We will take your temperature when you arrive. If your temperature is over 100.4 you will not be permitted in the building.
You will be required to wear a face covering to enter the building. If you do not have a face covering a disposable one will be provided.
We encourage you to come by yourself, however we will allow up to one other person to accompany you on campus. They will also have to adhere to these guidelines.
Please always observe social distancing when possible. You will be asked a few screening questions as well before you will be permitted into the building.
When you are done with your appointment you will not be permitted to remain in the building.
We look forward to seeing you! To book an appointment please contact:
General questions: 304-214-8838
Admissions: 304-214-8841
Advisor/Academic Support Center: 304-214-8923
Barnes & Noble Bookstore: 304-214-8930
Billing: 304-214-8843
Financial Aid: 304-214-8844
New Martinsville Campus Appointments: 304-455-4684
June 29, 2020: New instructional methods for Fall 2020 Semester
In an effort to keep our students, faculty, and staff safe during the Covid-19 pandemic, the College has implemented instructional methods for the fall 2020 semester that will limit face-to-face contact. When viewing the fall 2020 schedule in Schedule Planner, each course has an instructional method listed. The instructional methods and definitions are:
TRAD – traditional on-ground courses. This includes courses that will be held on campus and clinical rotations that are held at area hospitals.
HYBR – hybrid courses that are a combination of on-ground and online learning. On-ground class meetings will be held until the Thanksgiving break. After Thanksgiving break, these courses will finish the semester online.
ONLA – online asynchronous courses will be held completely online.
ONLS – online synchronous courses will be held online with virtual class meetings at designated days and times.
Any courses held face-to-face will be required to adhere to social distancing and class sizes will be monitored. The College will continue to monitor the pandemic and make changes as necessary.
May 28, 2020: CARES ACT Student Grants Update
CARES ACT Student Grants - 30-day report
West Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) signed and returned a Certificate and Agreement with assurance that the institution has used no less than 50% of the funds received, totally $366,159, under Section 18004(a)(a) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. The grants were for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care).
In accordance with Department of Education guidelines, it was determined that any student eligible for Title IV funds would be eligible to receive these funds. The estimated total number of students that could be eligible was 900. Of that 805, 805 were actually eligible for distribution on May 13th, 2020.
WVNCC had notified all students of the CARES Act student grants through a regular student newsletter distributed via email. The WVNCC website was also updated in an area entitled ‘Coronavirus Update’ which is highlights at the top of the College’s landing page. These communications highlighted the eligibility requirements, instructions on how to apply for eligibility and contact numbers to two top-level administrators for questions. Furthermore, 74 students who were not immediately eligible, but were identified as most likely eligible if a FAFSA was completed received an email invitation to complete the process in attempt to make as many students eligible as possible.
WVNCC opted to distribute funds to the 805 students who were eligible on May 13th. Each student’s grant amount would be equivalent to 1) 50% of the College’s student activity fee ($18.75) plus 2) 50% of the College’s Facility Fee ($40.00) plus 3) 50% of the student’s program fee (varies by student), plus 4) $26.75 per credit hour enrolled on March 13th, 2020. Calculations of this grant distribution totaled $366,307.25
BankMobile, WVNCC’s third-party partner engaged to distribute financial aid refunds, was contracted to execute the distribution. All students were notified at the beginning of the school year instructing them on how to establish a preferred method for receipt of funds, i.e. direct deposit or check, from BankMobile. In the email alerting students of the distribution, directions were provided on how a student could update the preferred delivery method if desired.
BankMobile confirmed the distribution to 805 students in the amount of $366,307.25, and average of $455.04. There were 647 direct deposits and 158 pending checks. The checks are slated to be sent on approximately June 1st, 2020. The 158 students expecting checks were emailed on May 13th, 2020 and provided directions on changing their preferred delivery method if they wished to receive their funds sooner than provided by a paper check.
WVNCC has acted with due diligence to the best of its ability and current knowledge to satisfy all requirement and will continue in this manner.
Revised 7/16/20
May 15, 2020 - CARES Act
Dear students - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provided eligible WVNCC students’ emergency grants from the federal government for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care). WVNCC’s obligation was to determine the amount of grant funds for each eligible student and distribute the funds. Though WVNCC used familiar costs, such as fees, to calculate each student’s grant, these funds were not refunds; the formula used was based on WVNCC's current fees.
All CARES funding has been distributed. WVNCC's student fees remain in effect and will appear on financial statements and bills. The College will continue to provide all services either on campus or virtually to ensure a holistic College experience.
May 7, 2020: CARES Act Eligibility
West Virginia Northern will receive approximately $732k from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), a federal stimulus package enacted to provide relief to higher education. Funds from the CARES Act will be received in two equal disbursements. The first half of the funds is to be distributed in emergency grants for students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. The second half is designated for direct institutional use and has not been released to colleges yet.
Northern is planning to use a formula-based distribution to disburse the CARES aid to eligible degree-seeking students. Additional guidance from the U.S. Department of Education defines an eligible degree-seeking student as a student who is eligible for Title IV aid. Additionally, a student is not eligible if they were enrolled in programs that were exclusively online before COVID-19 changes to academic offerings.
To determine Title IV aid eligibility, students were required to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2019-2020 academic year in order to determine eligibility for the CARES emergency grants. In order to be eligible, students must:
Have a Social Security Number;
Be an eligible citizen or eligible non-citizen;
Be registered with Selective Service (if born male – you must register between the age of 18 and 25);
Not be in default on a prior student loan or owe a grant overpayment;
Not have a state or federal conviction of possessing or selling drugs where the date of the conviction occurred during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving any title IV grant, loan, or work-study funds;
Be making Satisfactory Academic Progress;
Be enrolled as a regular, degree-seeking student in an eligible degree or certificate program;
Sign the certification statement on the FAFSA form stating that you will use federal student aid only for educational purposes, and
Have a high school diploma or General Education Development (GED) certificate or have completed homeschooling.
Refunds amounts will vary from student to student. Students will receive:
$18.75 – Representing 50% Activity Fee.
$40.00 – Representing 50% Facility Fee.
50% of their program fee, which varies for each student.
$25.75 per credit hour enrolled on March 13, which varies for each student.
Eligible students do not need to apply for these funds. If a student qualifies, the funds will automatically be disbursed through BankMobile.
Students should receive their CARES Funding from WVNCC before the end of May.
Additionally, students who withdrew from the Spring semester, officially or unofficially, before March 13, are not eligible.
Questions about the emergency grants can be directed to:
This information is based on the latest guidance available from the Department of Education and may not be the final update to how the government requires colleges to distribute the funds.
May 5, 2020: Supporting our Community / Resources for Students
WVNCC is encouraging you to donate high need items to local hunger relief organizations in our communities. Many of our community members have been financially impacted by COVID-19. WVNCC wants to do our part to make sure local organizations are stocked with food items to sustain the increased need resulting from COVID-19. If you know of additional food assistance organizations in need of items, please email swood@wvncc.edu to be added to this list.
Brooke and Hancock Counties
Community Bread Basket - Weirton (304-748-7595)
Accepting food donations Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Family Resource Center Community Food Pantry – Weirton (304-748-7850)
High need items: frozen foods, peanut butter, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer.
In place of a food donation, monetary contributions are also accepted and appreciated. Monetary donations are handled by the WVNCC Foundation (WVNCCF) which has established a COVID-19 Student Emergency Relief Fund. WVNCCF will use the funds to support local students with exceptional needs brought on by the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The WVNCC Foundation was founded along with the College in 1972. It seeks, receives and manages private funds to increase the College’s capabilities in the areas of institutional development, professional development, capital facilities and equipment, and financial assistance to students. If you are interested in supporting the Foundation, please contact Rana Spurlock at 304-214-8906, or rspurlock@wvncc.edu
The Restaurant-to-School (R2S) initiative is a collaborative effort among schools, local businesses, and nonprofits working to provide nutritious, scratch-cooked meals to local kids who lack equitable access to nutritious foods. The goal is to deliver nutrient-dense fresh food to children during the time when COVID-19 has interrupted our usual food systems, to create improved business outcomes for local restaurants struggling with COVID-19 shutdowns, and to help farmers weather the pandemic.
WVNCC is providing logistical leadership and program oversight. Grow Ohio Valley is taking the lead on all meal distributions, fundraising, and partner coordination. Ohio County Schools is making this possible through the school-based “At Risk Supper” program, and is providing project leadership and creativity in an effort to deliver nutrition to as many kids as possible, while supporting hometown businesses.
Watch video of WVNCC President Dr. Mosser update on 2020 Spring Commencement Ceremony.
April 16, 2020: Resources and Information
We all have faced professional, personal and emotional stress brought on by this pandemic. It is imperative that we stick together, help each other and get through this as best we can. By now, every WVNCC student should have received a personal phone call from one of our employees. We have attempted to reach out to each and every one of you personally to simply see how you are doing. We care about you and are here to help you get through these challenging times. Below is some information and resources we wanted to share with you.
Mental Health
The CDC has some great resources about dealing with stress and coping. They can be found here:
In addition, WVNCC’s Mental Health Committee continues to work hard to update our local resources. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need support.
TeAnn King Special Populations Counselor Phone: 304-214-8837 tking@wvncc.edu
I hope you are continuing to take part in some great virtual events that our Student Activities Director, Sara Wood, has planned for you. Make sure to mark your calendars for Friday, April 24. All WVNCC students can order curbside takeout, up to $10, at a local restaurant just by showing your Northern Student ID upon pickup. This is a great way for you to grab a meal and for us to continue supporting local businesses that are vital to our community. The participating restaurants are:
Withdraw Deadline -- We have extended the deadline to drop a class or completely withdraw from the college for the spring semester to Friday, May 1.
Public Gatherings – We have extended the suspension of public gatherings on WVNCC campuses to May 15.
It was great to see some of you recently during the Student Government Association meeting that we held by Zoom. Although I would much rather see all of you on campus, it was reassuring to know that our students are still engaged and working harder than ever to finish the semester strong, while still helping to move the college forward. We are at a very critical time in the battle against COVID-19 right now. Please stay diligent in doing your part – social distancing, proper hygiene – and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. I think I speak for all our employees when I say we are proud of you, Thundering Chickens!
Dan Mosser WVNCC President
April 9, 2020: WiFi, Chat Feature, IT Hotline & other resources
I hope all of you have settled into the final stretch of the spring semester. For those who are teaching and learning online for the first time, I hope the transition went smoothly for you. Northern faculty and staff worked hard to ensure that all students have a meaningful learning experience this semester. I hope you have found this transition easier than you may have thought possible.
WiFi is Now Available in WVNCC Parking Lots and Elsewhere Our IT Department has made available WiFi to students and employees via our parking lots on each campus from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (Wifi is available in Wheeling in the parking lots closest to the B&O Building). If you are having challenges with your internet connection, please feel free to use this resource. In addition, there are a additional WiFi hot spots in our communities. You can find WiFi locations here:
New Online Chat Feature and 24-Hour IT Hotline I want to remind you that we have a new Chat feature on our website. You can use this chat feature to reach out to our IT department or other departments here at Northern. IT is also operating a 24-hour hotline at 304-214-8826.
Chromebooks Available We have Chromebooks available for loan to students and employees. Please do not hesitate to call IT if you have any technology needs. We are standing by and here to help!
WVNCC on Social Media We have been posting a lot of resources on our social media channels. This is also one of the best ways to contact staff who are working remotely. Please check our social media accounts and make sure to reach out and stay connected. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Dr. Daniel Mosser President
March 25, 2020: Return to Spring Semester
I hope this finds everyone well! We certainly miss having you on campus, but I hope you are taking the government and health officials warnings to heart and staying at home to protect yourself and your loved ones. We look forward to having everyone back healthy and on campus soon.
As you know, our current online classes resumed this week, and I hope they are going well for all of you. I encourage the rest of you to take time this week to make sure you are prepared and ready when your face-to-face class transitions to online starting on Monday, March 30. I know many faculty have reached out to their students already. If you have not heard from your faculty feel free to reach out to them and let them know you are ready, or, if you have a need or concern, please let them know. Faculty and staff are here to help you!
Just a reminder that computer access is available in the libraries by appointment only this week. If you need access to a computer this week during regular hours and the week of March 30 through April 3 between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, please reach out to them. Librarians will schedule a time to meet with you on any of our campuses. Also, we have some Chromebooks available on each campus to checkout and use at home. If you need to use one the rest of the semester, please reach out to the library or our IT department. Both can be reached via the new chatbox on our website or IT can be reached by calling the 24-hour call center (304-214-8826). If you need a Chromebook, have trouble logging onto your portal, or have any technology question, don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
The Coronavirus Task Force continues to meet regularly and today we decided to cancel all on-campus events through April 30. No decision has been made yet on Commencement (May 15), but we are exploring our options. As soon as a decision is made, we will let you know. It certainly is not a decision we are taking lightly because we realize Commencement is a memorable and meaningful celebration of the successful culmination of hard work and many sacrifices.
We have also decided to temporarily suspend all clinicals at area hospitals. If you were attending a clinical site, your faculty member will be reaching out to you. We felt this was the best decision right now to protect those who were attending.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us by calling, via email or the chatbox on our website. Please know you are not alone in this and we are in this challenging time together.Please let us know how we can help!
Stay well Thundering Chickens!
Dr. Daniel Mosser President
March 19, 2020: Conversion to Online Learning
Dear Student(s):
As you enjoy an extended spring break, March 23-27, and prepare for our converted face-to-face classes to commence on March 30th, we wanted to provide some additional information. Note that our fully online classes currently scheduled to start on March 23 will start on the 23rd, as planned.
In an effort to protect our college community, we have temporarily suspended all on campus student services starting Monday, March 23. Any service that a student might need such as applying for admissions, course registration, financial aid, advising, etc., can now be easily accessed remotely on our website. If you need personal assistance, please refer to the staff listing or the WVNCC Go App to obtain contact information for any college employee or department. Our friendly staff is standing by and ready to help you over the phone or via e-mail.
Also, we have launched a brand-new chat feature on our website. You will notice when you open our home page that a chat box will pop-up in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. You can chat with Admissions, Financial Aid, Career Services and more. This is another great way to connect with student support services.
WVNCC libraries remain open by appointment only, March 23-27, exclusively for Northern students. You can access your portal or the Internet, print, and have access to any normal service you would need from the library or our computer labs. You must call ahead to schedule an appointment to use the libraries.
New Martinsville 9 AM to 5 PM Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Friday 304-510-8766
Weirton 9 AM to 5 PM Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Friday 304-723-7516
Wheeling 8 AM to 5 PM Monday to Thursday 8:30 to 4:30 Friday 304-214-8954
We know that many of you have questions about labs, clinicals etc. Your instructor will be in touch with details soon. Or, please feel free to reach-out to your instructor with any questions or concerns. In addition, no decision has been made regarding our Commencement ceremony at this time. When a decision is reached, we will communicate that to you immediately. It is our desire to hold our Commencement this spring. However, your safety is our top priority.
Please use your extra time on spring break wisely and make sure you have everything that you need and are ready to learn online by the time that spring semester resumes on March 30th.
We understand that the transition to online learning is a brand-new adventure for many of you. We also realize that you may be unsure or anxious about online learning or feel that it is not quite the same experience. After meeting with faculty and our academic team, I am more confident than ever that they will deliver the same high-quality, engaging learning experience that you have come to expect from WVNCC. I know that this will be a new experience for some of you, but many of our faculty have been teaching online for years and will guide you through this journey. Our employees have been working diligently since we made the decision to transition to online to make sure that you are getting the education and training you need to succeed in your career while remaining safe.
We understand your anxiety, concerns and confusion; we all are experiencing the same uncertainty during this time. However, we are deeply committed to you and our college community. This is a tremendous opportunity for growth for all involved and we will be with you every step of the way!
I want to remind you that this pandemic is serious for all age groups. It is unwise for you to travel and gather in large groups. Staying at home and avoiding groups is crucial to mitigating the spread of the virus. Please heed the warnings that have been issued by doctors and local, state and federal officials to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Enjoy your spring break and please be safe.
March 18, 2020: Financial Aid, Scholarships and Loan Tips
If you have college students or are a college student yourself who may be having some anxiety about COVID-19, here are some helpful tips and sites to keep you on track during the time you may be out of work/school, and a few things you can be doing with any free time you may have at home.
FALL 2020 Students: File your 2020-2021 FAFSA online at www.FAFSA.gov.
You will use your 2018 tax information (taxes filed in 2019).
If you are a WV resident, complete the FAFSA by April 15th, 2020 to meet the WV Higher Education Grant Deadline.
If you have questions concerning your FAFSA or Federal Student Aid programs, but your school’s financial aid office is closed or limiting visitors, call:
Also check out your institution’s web page to apply for institutional scholarships.
Other useful search engines include Fastweb, CollegeBoard and Unigo.
Just remember: never pay to apply for a scholarship!
If you have already graduated but are currently out of work and having trouble making student loan payments, you will want to contact your loan servicer and ask for a forbearance. A forbearance allows you to postpone payments on your student loans due to hardship for a period of time.
If you aren’t sure how to find your loan servicer information, visit https://studentaid.gov
log in, and click on “view loan servicer details” in the lower right-hand corner of the My Aid box in the middle of the screen.
You could have multiple loan servicers, so make sure to check each loan’s servicer.
WVNCC Students: Don’t forget you can review and follow your Financial Aid status 24/7 online through your NOW account at www.wvncc.edu. More details on communication from the Financial Aid Office will be posted on our website and/or sent by e-mail to your Northern e-mail address.
Did You Know? The WVNCC Financial Aid Office has several virtual assistance options available to you. Please email or call us for more details:
Chat with us online at www.wvncc.edu (lower left corner of homepage)
March 16, 2020: COVID-19 Spring Break Update
Dear Student(s):
As you know, the country is facing an unprecedented challenge from Coronavirus (COVID-19). I am writing to share some decisions we have made at West Virginia Northern Community College in the interest of your safety.
WVNCC is on spring break this week, March 16-20. We are extending spring break for one additional week through March 27. We are converting all current face-to-face classes to online instruction effective March 30 and continuing through the end of the spring semester. Faculty will communicate directly with students in each class. All online classes will meet at their regularly scheduled day and time.
Current online classes will not be impacted – they meet online as scheduled and will resume on March 23. All campus events, activities and other public gatherings have been suspended until April 10.
Students can reach out to their professor or instructor with questions regarding their online classes. Also, if you have technology needs or concerns please contact your professor or instructor and we will do our best to help you adapt.
All WVNCC student are urged to prepare immediately for online instruction. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Internet service providers are offering free Internet services. Below is a list of providers offering this free support.
AT&T Comcast Spectrum Verizon Xfinity We will share details with you in the days ahead. Thank you for choosing WVNCC.
Dan Mosser WVNCC President
March 13, 2020: COVID-19 Employee Update
Good afternoon: Following is the latest information on the COVID-19 situation here at the college. Please remember that we are posting these updates to our webpage now so you will have a single source for the latest information. www.wvncc.edu
Employee Travel Restrictions All out-of-state college-sponsored employee travel is suspended for the next 30 days (thru April 10, 2020). Nonessential travel within WV is likewise suspended. This includes travel that was previously approved. This does NOT include travel between the three WVNCC campuses.
Personal Travel Concerns In addition, the Governor of West Virginia, Jim Justice, has recommended that residents of West Virginia consider cancelling or postponing all nonessential personal travel outside of the state. The college may have to take action to protect students and employees if you travel to an area of sustained growth of the Coronavirus. Currently the areas of concern within the US include the states of Washington, California and New York.
Restrictions on the Use of College Facilities All college events, gatherings, receptions, and student activities that would result in large gatherings (i.e., 30 or more people) are suspended for the next 30 days (thru April 10, 2020). This includes college-sponsored activities and any external use of college facilities. For smaller gatherings, employees are urged to assess the risk of convening any group at this time, especially gatherings that might include individuals over 60 years old and other high-risk populations. If in doubt, please ask us for advice.
Face-to-Face Classes We have discussed and are preparing to move face-to-face instruction to online, if the need arises. At this point, there has been no decision to do so.
WV COVID-19 Hotline The State of West Virginia has set-up a free 24/7 information hotline to address COVID-19 concerns at: 800-887-4304
We continue to closely monitor the situation and will provide regular and frequent updates to this information.
Dan Mosser WVNCC President
March 11, 2020: COVID-19
Dear West Virginia Northern Community College Community –
We are continuing to closely monitor the situation related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). With your safety as our top priority, we have been meeting, planning and preparing and I want to provide you with an update. We will be posting updates to this page as information becomes available.
Currently, there are zero cases of novel coronavirus in the State of West Virginia. The College is working closely with state and local health officials to monitor the situation and follow recommended protocols. At this time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to categorize the virus as “low risk to Americans.” Unless you have recently traveled overseas or to an area with sustained or widespread transmission or have been around someone who has been to one of those areas and is exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus, your risk of getting sick is low.
We have taken the following steps to ensure your health and safety thus far.
I have appointed a task force of WVNCC employees, including faculty from our Allied Health programs. They will meet on a weekly basis to guide us and provide specific recommendations.
The Task Force and others have met with local and state health officials. We will continue to maintain contact with them throughout this process.
We are cleaning and disinfecting high-contact surfaces more frequently on all of our campuses.
We have been preparing and planning in the event it becomes necessary to close the college and/or switch instruction exclusively to online learning.
As always, it is important to remember that the best way to prevent any respiratory illness is to practice routine good hygiene habits:
Wash your hands and avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
When greeting others, avoid hand-shaking, hugging, etc.
Stay home at the first sign of symptoms. If you are sick, don’t go to school or work.
Avoid others who are sick.
Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces frequently.
Take care of yourself. Be sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy and drink plenty of water.
With Spring Break next week, I wanted to remind you to adhere to any travel alerts and health advisories that could impact your travel, especially those related to the COVID-19. It is important to refer to the CDC website in advance of any planned travel, especially travel outside of the United States. You should also check for any travel advisories or restrictions on the local health department website before you travel.
This situation is evolving quickly, sometimes on a hourly basis. Our top priority is the health and safety of our college and our community. We will continue to provide regular updates as the situation warrants.
Dr. Daniel Mosser, President
COVID-19 Facts & Questions
What is novel coronavirus?
The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), commonly known as a coronavirus, is a virus identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers this a serious public health concern, based on current information, the immediate health risk from a coronavirus to the general American public is considered low at this time. Visit the CDC website for more information.
What are the symptoms?
Similar to the common cold and influenza, common symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough and shortness of breath. The CDC believes that symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or up to 14 days after exposure.
How is it spread?
Coronavirus disease 2019 is primarily spread through respiratory droplets, which means to become infected, people generally must be within six feet of someone who is contagious and come into contact with these droplets. Symptoms of COVID-19 generally appear within two to 14 days after exposure and include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Reported cases have ranged from mild illness (similar to a common cold) to severe pneumonia that requires hospitalization.
Health experts are still learning the details about how this new coronavirus spreads. Other coronaviruses spread from an infected person to others through:
The air by coughing and sneezing.
Close personal contact, such as touching and shaking hands.
Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
In rare cases, contact with feces.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Difficulty breathing
How do I prevent getting the coronavirus?
How can I prevent it?
Currently, there are no vaccines available to prevent COVID-19 infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends typical infectious disease precautions, just as those used to prevent cold or flu:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or a tissue.
Avoid exposure to others who are sick.
Stay home while you are ill (except to visit a healthcare professional) and avoid close contact with others.
Get adequate sleep and eat well-balanced meals to ensure a healthy immune system.
lean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
The CDC does not recommend the routine use of face masks by the general public to prevent respiratory illness and is not recommending their use at this time for the prevention of COVID-19.
What should I do if I feel ill?
If you have traveled to, or through a CDC Level 3 Warning country, we recommend anyone who develops a fever (temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) or symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as cough or shortness of breath, seek medical advice by calling your local health department. If you cannot reach your local health department, call ahead before going to the emergency room or doctor’s office to notify them in case of recent travel to countries or locations within the United States with elevated levels of COVID-19.
What should I do if I’ve recently traveled to a country with coronavirus cases?
Stay home for 14 days from the time you left an area with widespread, ongoing community spread (Level 3 Travel Health Notice countries) and practice social distancing.
Take these steps to monitor your health and practice social distancing:
Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and monitor for fever. Also watch for cough or trouble breathing.
Stay home and avoid contact with others. Do not go to work or school for this 14-day period. Discuss your work situation with your employer before returning to work.
Do not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares during the time you are practicing social distancing.
Avoid crowded places (such as shopping centers and movie theaters) and limit your activities in public.
Keep your distance from others (about 6 feet or 2 meters).
If you get sick with fever (100.4°F/38°C or higher), cough, or have trouble breathing:
Seek medical care. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room.
Tell your doctor about your recent travel and your symptoms.
Avoid contact with others.
For additional questions on monitoring your health, contact your local public health officials.