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Faculty and Staff Councils and Committees


Shared governance is a long-standing tradition at West Virginia Northern Community College and in higher education.  In addition, WV Code 18B-2A-4(j), Higher Learning Commission Criteria for Accreditation, and Board of Governors By-Laws all contain expectations for shared governance.  Shared governance at WVNCC is a process that actively involves constituent groups in discussions about policies, practices and actions that affect them and provides mechanisms for meaningful feedback and input.  A vehicle for shared governance at WVNCC is the committee and council structure including Faculty Assembly, Staff Council and the Student Senate.

Key elements of the shared governance structure at WVNCC include the following:

  • All parties have specific roles.
  • Shared governance involves active, two-way communication.
  • Committees provide a mechanism for input and dissemination of information.
  • Committees make recommendations to the President or senior-level administrator with responsibility for that area.
  • The President has authority for all decision/actions.
  • In some areas, a committee or constituent group may have primary responsibility such as faculty with curriculum and program assessment, but the President still authorizes final action.

Institutional committees and councils are established by the President in consultation with constituent groups.  In addition, the President, a cabinet administrator, a constituent group or a committee may establish an ad hoc committee which submits reports or recommendations to the individual or group that established it.  The description of the role and composition of institutional committees and councils follows. 


The College has assembled standing (permanent) committees to consider particular subject areas of strategic importance to the College. At the top of this committee structure is the Continuous Improvement Council or CIC. 

Continuous Improvement Council (CIC)

The Continuous Improvement Council (CIC) is a college wide coordinating and recommending body with a strategic and student focus.  CIC is charged with facilitating more effective planning ensuring that the college leverages resources appropriately, achieves its mission and reaches both long-term strategic and annual operational goals (i.e., institutional effectiveness). The Council’s primary function is optimizing the college’s annual planning-assessment-feedback continuum which is composed of the four cyclical activities of: 1) planning, 2) budget, 3) implementation, and 4) assessment.  Three college committees, listed below, fill a critical role in this continuous improvement cycle.

The Council exists to improve internal business processes, resolve difficult conversations, create a culture of continuous improvement, and help the college take bold steps.

Membership for CIC is by Presidential appointment. At the minimum, there will be (2) administrators, (2) staff members, (2) students, Faculty Assembly President, Staff Council President, and (2) Division Chairs in Academic Affairs (rotated annually). 

Co-Chairs: Dr. Dan Mosser and Dr. Pam Sharma 

Members for 2023 – 2024:

Tami Alfred
Chana Baker
David Barnhardt
Debbie Bennett
Regan Blaha
Robert Brak
Chris Corbin
Darcey Ferrell
Janet Fike
Angela Hawk
Stephanie Kappel
Justin Miller
Karri Mulhern
Kim Patterson
Nolan Rawlings
Jeff Sayre
April Schrump
Rana Spurlock
Lisa Soly
Ida Williams
Rebecca Yesenczki

1)    Institutional Effectiveness/Strategic Planning Committee

The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is charged with monitoring and guiding the implementation of the College’s Institutional Assessment Guidebook as it applies to institutional effectiveness. It facilitates planning by reviewing operational and program review reports and making recommendations to the Continuous Improvement Council and Institutional Assessment Committee. When a new strategic plan is in the development stages, the committee convenes as the Strategic Planning committee to oversee the development process. The Vice President of Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Research serves as committee chair.

Chair: Dr. Pam Sharma

Members for 2023-2024:

Tami Alfred
Debbie Bennett
Crystal Harbert
Stephanie Kappel
John Lantz
Said Leghlid
Dan Mosser
Rana Spurlock
Becky Yesenczki

2)    Budget Committee

The Budget Committee consists of faculty and staff representatives who meet with the CFO/Vice President of Administrative Services during the budget development process to assess financial needs and report to the President through the CFO/Vice President of Administrative Services their views on how the budget should be formulated.  The Faculty Assembly selects five faculty and an alternate.  The President selects one administrator and four staff to serve on the committee.  The Chief Academic Officer, Vice President for Student Services, and Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness serve as ex-officio members.

Chair: Jeff Sayre

Members for 2023-2024:

Said Leghlid (Faculty)
Bonnie Peterman (Faculty)
Chris Kefauver (Faculty)
Dave Lawson (Faculty)
Heidi Napier (Faculty)
Melanie Hausinger (Alternate)
April Schrump (Staff)
Dennis “Matt” Thorn (Staff)
Janet Fike (Ex-officio)
Pam Sharma (Ex-officio)

3)    Institutional Assessment Committee

The Institutional Assessment Committee (IAC) is charged with coordinating findings between the Assessment of Student Learning Committee and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee. It convenes biannually to establish shared priorities and to make recommendations to the Continuous Improvement Council. The Director of Assessment serves as the committee chair. Committee membership consists of the Chairs of the Assessment of Student Learning Committee and the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, as well as 2 additional representatives from each committee. The committee shall include balanced representation of staff and faculty.

Chair: Angela Hawk

Members for 2023-2024:

Dr. Pam Sharma
Darcey Ferrell
Dr. Natalia Omelchenko-Comer
John Labriola
Brenda Sole
Lisa Soly

4. Assessment of Student Learning Committee

The Assessment of Student Learning Committee (ASLC) is charged with monitoring and guiding the implementation of the College’s Institutional Assessment Guidebook as it applies to the assessment of student learning outcomes. It consults with ASLC subcommittees and recommends criteria and guidelines for Course, Program, General Education, and Co-Curricular learning outcomes assessment. The committee makes recommendations to the Continuous Improvement Council and Institutional Assessment Committee. The Faculty Assembly selects a minimum of six (9) faculty members to serve two-year staggered terms. The committee selects three (3) staff members who are versed in assessment to serve on the committee. The Chief Academic Officer will appoint a faculty member as the committee chair.

Chair: Darcey Ferrell

Members for 2023-2024:

Darcy Ferrell (NM)
John Lantz (NM)
Dave Stoffel (WH)
Rustem Mulyuk (WH)
Pat Roper (WH)
Lyndsie Scott-Guzek (WH)
Natalia Omelchenko-Comer (WH)
John Labriola (WH)
Regan Blaha
Daniel Gomez (WR)
Dave Lawson (WR)
Pam Sharma, Ex-officio
Angela Hawk, Ex-officio

Student:  TBD

4a) Co-Curricular Assessment Committee: The Co-Curricular Assessment Committee is charged with monitoring and guiding co-curricular assessment activities in the College. It reviews co-curricular assessment reports and outcomes and makes recommendations to the ASLC.

Chair: Lisa Soly
Jennifer Kriechbaum
Regan Blaha
Tami Alfred
Nolan Rawlings
Cory Campanizzi
Tina Edwards

Angela Hawk Ex-officio

4b) Assessment Academy/General Education Committee:  The Assessment Academy Committee is charged with planning and executing new assessment projects consistent with the college’s mission and strategic priorities.  Its 2022-2026 project is the revitalization of general education assessment.

Co-Chairs: Dr. Angela Hawk and Lyndsie Scott-Guzek
Darcey Ferrell
John Labriola
Tina Edwards
Tami Pitcher
David Stoffel
Chana Baker

4c) Course and Program Assessment committee: The Course and Program Assessment Committee is charged with monitoring and guiding course and program assessment activities in the College. It facilitates faculty peer review of course and program assessment reports and makes recommendations to the ASLC.

Chair; Dr. Natalia Omelchenko-Comer

John Lantz
Daniel Gomez
Pat Roper
Rustem Mulyuk
Dave Lawson
Darcy Riggs-Suslovic
Lisa Aaron

Dr. Angela Hawk, Ex-officio

Academic Appeals Committee

The Academic Appeals Committee convenes as needed to hear student appeals involving academic matters. The Faculty Assembly will select a minimum of six faculty for the committee representing all divisions and campuses. No division chair or program director may serve on the committee.  Upon the filing of an academic appeal, the Chief Academic Officer will constitute a committee to hear the appeal consisting of three (3) faculty from the faculty on the committee and two students recommended by the Campus Operations Manager on the campus where the appeal originated if from Weirton or New Martinsville Campuses or the Vice President of Student Services if from the Wheeling Campus. In a grade appeal, one faculty member must be from the discipline of the course in question or a related discipline. In a program dismissal appeal, one faculty member must be from the academic department housing the program.  The committee will elect its chair.

Members for 2023-2024:

Parnell Sheldon
Jessica Nichols
John Reho
Chana Baker
Missy Stephens
David Hays


Academic Judicial Board

The Academic Judicial Board is convened as needed to hear disciplinary matters involving students. It consists of three faculty, one from each campus, and one alternate from each campus, appointed by the Faculty Assembly; administrative staff member appointed by the President who will serve as Chair; and three students, one from each campus and one alternate from each campus appointed by the Student Senate.

Chair: (administrative staff member appointed by the President)

Members for 2022-2023:

John Lantz (Faculty - NM)
Heidi Ryan (Faculty - WR)
Melissa Timko (Faculty - WHG)
John Reho (Alternate - WR)
Brenda Sole (Alternate - NM)
RJ Canter (Alternate - WH)
TBD (Student - WR)
TBD (Student - NM)
TBD (Student - WHG)

Northern Curriculum and Academic Policies and Procedures (NCAPP) Committee (formerly Curriculum Committee)

The Northern Curriculum and Academic Policies and Procedures (NCAPP) Committee develops and/or reviews proposals that pertain to courses, programs, academic policies and academic procedures.  The committee also reviews proposals and makes recommendations to the President’s Cabinet on the adoption of new programs, the discontinuation of existing programs, and the adoption of articulation agreements with other institutions.  NCAPP assures that these proposals and agreements meet standards set by the faculty, the administration, the state of West Virginia, the Higher Learning Commission, and individual programmatic accreditors, as appropriate.

The Faculty Assembly selects a minimum of eight faculty with representation from all divisions to serve on NCAPP.  As a committee that values and encourages engaged, stakeholder-informed decision making, additional voting members on NCAPP include the President or Vice President of Faculty Assembly, Division Chairs, the Registrar, the Director of Assessment, and the Director of Learning Services and the Student Representative elected by the Student Government.  Non-voting members of NCAPP include the Vice President of Student Care and Success, the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, the Director of Student Services, the Director of Financial Aid, the Director of the ACTion Center, the Distance Education Coordinator, the Early Access Coordinator, and the Academic Affairs Operations Coordinator.  The chair of NCAPP is the Chief Academic Officer.

Voting members on NCAPP include:
Chair:  VPL/CAO (votes only in the event of a tie):  Angela Hawk
Vice-Chair: 2023-2024 – John Lantz
Faculty Assembly Vice President: Lyndsie Scott Guzek
Division chairs: Crystal Harbert; Curt Hippensteel; Bonnie Peterman, John Lantz

CLASS: John Lantz; Greg Winland
STEM: Natalia Omelchenko-Comer; Melanie Hausinger; Jennifer Kriechbaum
Allied Health: Misty Kahl; Erin Carr
Applied Technologies: Brandy Killeen; John Labriola

Registrar:Becky Yesenczki
Director of Learning Services: 

Non-voting members include:

Vice President of Student Care and Success (or designee):  Janet Fike
Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness (or designee):  Pam Sharma – in 2023-2024 – Hope Coffield
Director of Student Services: Tami Alfred
Director of Financial Aid:  Justin Miller
Director of Action Center:  Lisa Soly
Early Access Coordinator:  Ida Williams
Director of Distance Education: Kim Patterson
Instructional Designer:  Wendy Doolin
Academic Affairs Operations Coordinator: Sandra Suggs
Student Representative: Shawn McElroy

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

West Virginia Northern Community College seeks Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for all members of our campus community including students, faculty, staff, and community stakeholders.  By doing so, WVNCC strives to ensure equality in employment and education.

Diversity: the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different backgrounds to improve intellectual and cultural engagement.

Equity: tthe quality of being fair and impartial and of removing any barriers so all have access to equal treatment and learning opportunities. 

Inclusion: the practice of promoting and fostering a welcoming atmosphere for all.

DEI Goal

To create an active and engaged DEI committee with defined responsibilities, including committee activities and college policies, as appropriate.

Co-Chairs: Regan Blaha and Bob Brak

Tami Alfred
Kristi Aulick
Hollie Buchanan
Tina Edwards
Robert Combs
RJ Faldowski
Stephanie Kappel
Brandy Killeen
Parnell Sheldon
Patrick Kerns
Stephanie Smith
Rana Spurlock
Student member:  TBD

Distance Education Committee

The Distance Education Committee makes recommendations to the Chief Academic Officer on policy development, best practices in teaching and learning, and faculty and student development activities that contribute to the quality and growth of distance education.  Membership includes a minimum of eight faculty selected by the Faculty Assembly.  The Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness serves as an ex-officio member.  The Chief Academic Officer may appoint students or staff as appropriate.

Chair: Jeremy Doolin

Members for 2023-2024:

Kim Patterson
Melissa Timko
Dr. Natalia Omelchenko-Comer
Heidi Ryan
Jeremy Doolin
Dave Stoffel
Rustem Mulyuk
John Lantz
Deborah Kleeh
Staff (TBD)
Chris Corbin

Pam Sharma, Ex-Officio

Strategic Enrollment Management Committee

The Enrollment Management Committee is charged with implementing enrollment strategies in the areas of intentional outreach, strategic recruitment, admissions policies, and proactive academic advising that contribute to student enrollment initiatives consistent with the College strategic plan. The Committee will work collaboratively with other groups in order to achieve committee goals. Further, the Committee will use enrollment data to set enrollment targets. The Committee is co-chaired by a member of student services and a member of academic affairs. Additional faculty are selected by the Faculty Assembly to serve on the committee and a student is selected by the Tri-Campus Student Senate. Other members are appointed by the President upon recommendation of the co-chairs.

The Strategic Enrollment Management Committee manages the policies, activities, and practices related to the students’ enrollment and retention. The committee serves the best interests of the students and the school, and is focusing on ensuring the predictable enrollment and retention pattern; accessible comprehensive support of the learners; continuous faculty and stuff professional development; and consistent alignment of all enrollment and retention practices with the mission of the College, the Strategic Plan of the School, and HEPC regulations. The advising and management of the current practices the institution’s related to the enrollment and retention is also an important part of the committee work. 

Co-Chairs: Tami Alfred and TBD

Members for 2023-2024:

David Barnhardt
Lisa Soly
Deborah Kleeh
Anita Dahlem
Barbara Nopwasky
Anna Zills
Regan Blaha
Rebecca Yesenczki
Justin Miller
Jenna Derrico, Recorder
Nolan Rawlings
Dennis Thorn
Students TBD

Janet Fike, Ex-Office

Pam Sharma, Ex-Officio

Retention Committee

The Retention Committee is responsible for implementing retention strategies in the areas of retention and dynamic support functions consistent with the strategic plan.  The committee is co-chaired by a staff member from a support service area and a member of academic affairs. Additional faculty are selected by the Faculty Assembly to serve on the committee and a student is selected by the Tri-Campus Student Senate. Other members from support functions are appointed by the Chief Academic Officer.

Chair: Natalia Omelchenko-Comer

Members for 2023-2024:

Curt Hippensteel
Kim Patterson
Pat Roper
Tami Alfred
Kristi Aulick
Pam Sharma
Tina Edwards
Rana Spurlock
Regan Blaha
Hilary Wilson

Early Access Committee

The purpose of the WVNCC Early Access Committee is to direct the pathways high school students may take to earn college credits, certificates, and degrees as Early Access students.  Members will guide the coordinator in expanding partnerships with high school administrators to encourage eligible high school students to pursue their education at WVNCC after graduation. Members will assess and revised EE processes, course offerings, and instruction.

Members for 2023-2024:

Ida Williams, Chair
Greg Winland
Tami Alfred
Dennis Thorn
Bob Gibb
Curt Hippensteel
Heather Kalb

Open House Committee

Chair: Dennis Thorn

Members for 2023-2024:

Jennifer Kriechbaum
Bonnie Peterman
David Barnhardt
Darcy Riggs-Suslovic
Regan Blaha
Tami Alfred
Debbie Bennett
Janet Fike
Crystal Harbert

Institutional Technology Committee

The Institutional Technology Committee is specifically charged to: 1) review and develop recommendations regarding policies and procedures related to the College's technology development and use, and 2) communicate committee work to faculty, staff, and students and provide input from these constituencies to the committee.

The committee is comprised of five faculty selected by the Faculty Assembly, three staff selected by the Staff Council and one student selected by the Student Senate.  One member of the Institutional Technology Committee should also serve on the Distance Education Committee. Ex-officio members include the Instructional Designer, Director of Informational Technology, the Director of Library Services and the Chief Academic Officer. 

Members for 2023– 2024:

Dave Hays (Faculty)
Hilary Wilson (Staff)
David Barnhardt (Administrator)
RJ Canter (Faculty)
Barbara Nopwasky (Faculty)
Vikram Tugali (Faculty)
Tricia Binkiewicz (Faculty)
Becky Yesenczki (Staff)
Kim Patterson (Ex-officio)
Chris Corbin (Ex-officio)
Shawn McElory (Student)

Academic Resources Center Committee

The committee advises the Director of Learning Services, who oversees the library and academic support center, on policies, processes, and promotion of the services offered. 

The committee is comprised of five faculty selected by the Faculty Assembly, one student selected by the Student Senate, staff and two community liaisons (one from a local library and one from rehabilitation services).

Chair: Director of Learning Services –

Members for 2023 – 2024:

Sara Cunningham
Tami Pitcher
Crystal Harbert
John Reho
Hollie Buchanan (alternate)
Julie Kloss
Ida Williams

Community members – Jill Konkle and Amy Kastigar

Student:  TBD

Mental Health and Wellness Committee

WVNCC recognizes that non-academic challenges are often a bigger barrier to student success than academic performance.  The Mental Health and Wellness Committee is charged with investigating mental health issues that may affect student success and making recommendations on how the institution may help students with these challenges.  Additionally, the committee may propose wellness programming to benefit students and personnel. 

Co-Chairs: Kristi Aulick and RJ Canter

Members for 2023-2024:

Heather Kalb
Parnell Sheldon
Maclaine Murad
Vikram Tugali
Barbara Nopwasky
Regan Blaha
Ida Williams
Linda Steele
RJ Faldowski
Morgan Stepanek

Shawn McElory (Student)
Morgan Haught (Student)

Janet Fike (Ex-officio)

Pam Sharma (Ex-officio)

Professional Development Committee

The Professional Development Committee facilitates professional and personal growth opportunities that enhance the college’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic goals. The committee promotes excellence in instruction and effective student support services, as well as encourages a dynamic, comprehensive, continuum of educational services to facilitate student success and completion. The committee supports the college’s continuous improvement efforts and its diverse personnel and student body.

Chair: Robert Brak

Members for 2023-2024:

Tina Edwards (Staff)
Rebecca Yescenzki (Staff)
Tricia Marker (Staff)
Angela Hawk (Staff)
Jenna Derrico (Staff Alternate)
Vikram Tugali (Faculty)
Jill Keyser (Faculty)
Hollie Buchanan (Faculty)
Heidi Napier (Faculty Alternate)
Janet Fike (Administrator)

Rules Committee

The Rules Committee develops rules and oversees the rulemaking process for the Board of Governors consistent with College policy and CTCS rules.  The committee consists of two faculty and one alternate selected by the Faculty Assembly, two staff and one alternate selected by the Staff Council, and two Cabinet members selected by the President.  The Executive Assistant to the President and the Director of Human Resources Development serves as the committee chairpersons.

Co-Chairs: Stephanie Kappel and Robert Brak

Members for 2023-2024:

Delilah Ryan (Faculty)
David Hays (Faculty)
Anita Dahlem (Faculty Alternate)
Rebecca Yesenczki (Staff)
Regan Blaha (Staff)
Janet Fike (Administration)

Safety and Security Committee

The Safety and Security Committee is responsible for ensuring compliance with Federal and State requirements for safety and security, reviewing College safety and security processes, and making recommendations about College facilities and property as they relate to safety and security.  In addition, the committee develops and conducts training activities for college personnel and students.  The CFO/Vice President of Administrative Services, Vice President of Student Services, and the Director of Human Resources Development serve as the executive committee for the committee.  Members of the committee are appointed by the President based upon expertise they can contribute to the committee.  Additionally, one at-large member is selected by the Faculty Assembly and one at-large member is selected by the Staff Council.

Executive Committee:

Jeff Sayre, CFO/VP of Administrative Services
Janet Fike, VP of Student Services
Robert Brak, Director of Human Resources Development

Committee Members for 2023-2024:

Debbie Bennett
RJ Faldowski
Bonnie Peterman
Chris Kefauver
Tricia Marker
Jack Montgomery
John Lantz
Robert Combs
Regan Blaha
Chris Corbin
Dan McClure
Kristi Aulick
David Barnhardt
Thomas Queen                

Scholarship Committee 

The Scholarship Committee evaluates scholarship applications and selects or makes recommendations to the Financial Aid office on initial recipient.  The committee consists of three faculty selected by the Faculty Assembly with one per campus, three staff selected by the Staff Council with one per campus, three students selected by the Student Senate with one per campus, and one college counselor.  The Financial Aid Counselor serves as ex-officio staff for the committee and the Director of Financial Aid serves as the chairperson.

Chair: Justin Miller

Members for 2023 – 2024:

Sara Cunningham (Faculty)
Delilah Ryan (Faculty)
Jill Keyser (Faculty)
Tami Alfred (Staff)
Bob Gibb (Staff)
Ida Williams (Staff)

Rana Spurlock, Ex-officio

Student: Leah Har

Student Appeals Committee (for Non-Academic Matters)

The Student Appeals Committee is convened to hear student appeals involving non-academic matters. Recommendations are forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services. The Student Appeals Committee consists of three faculty, three alternates selected by the Faculty Assembly, and one Campus Counselor. One faculty member and alternate are to have their main teaching responsibilities on the New Martinsville or Weirton campus.  Students are elected by the Student Senate and randomly selected at time of hearing.  At least one student member must be taking the majority of their classes on the New Martinsville or Weirton Campus.  The committee elects its chair.


Brenda Sole (NM)
John Reho (WR)
Chana Baker (WHG)

Alternate:  Greg Winland (WR)
Alternate:  Jennifer Kriechbaum (WHG)
Alternate:  Hannah Westfall (NM)

Student Weirton Campus:  TBD
Student Wheeling Campus: TBD
Student New Martinsville Campus: TBD

Textbook Affordability Committee

Members of the Textbook Affordability Committee increase student success by identifying innovative and student-friendly options to lower the cost of textbooks for students. Student Government, faculty, and administration advise members about issues with textbook or instructional materials that may negatively impact student success. The members seek and implement alternative options to the high cost of textbooks, such as Open Education Resources and first-day inclusion options, which improve access and support students success.  The members are also responsible for completing the annual institutional report on textbook processes.  Committee membership consists of the Chief Academic Officer (Chair), five faculty, the student Board of Governors representative, the campus operations managers or designee, one staff member, the bookstore manager or designee, and the Financial Aid Director or designee and the Vice President of Administrative Services/CFO who both shall serve as ex-officio members. 

The Committee will report annually to the Board of Governors.

Chair:  Crystal Harbert

Members for 2023 – 2024:

Said Leghlid
Daniel Gomez
Heidi Napier
Jessica Nichols
Hollie Buchanan
Jack Montgomery
Student BOG Rep – Jeannette Ziegler
Becky Yesenczki (Staff)
Bookstore manager (or Designee)

Jeff Sayre, Ex-officio

Justin Miller, Ex-officio


The College may convene ad hoc (temporary) committees or a task force to investigate particular issues or to plan events of the College. These special purpose committees dissolve when their task is completed.

Coronavirus Task Force

David Barnhardt
Robert Brak
Janet Fike
Stephanie Kappel
Jill Keyser
Said Leghlid
Tricia Marker
Dan Mosser
Karri Mulhern
Bonnie Peterman


Faculty Assembly

The Faculty Assembly is the traditional collegial body for faculty discussion and deliberation on the various issues affecting the College and for adopting recommendations on College policy, procedures and programs.

Officers for 2023 – 2024:
Chana Baker (President)
Lyndsie Scott-Guzek (Vice-President) (President-Elect)
Jennifer Kriechbaum (Secretary)
Kathy Herrington (Faculty Representative to the State Advisory Council of Faculty)

Chris Kefauver (Faculty Representative to the Board of Governors)

Additional Information
New officers are elected at the April Faculty Assembly meeting (each even numbered year).   A full-time faculty member serves as faculty representative on the Board of Governors.  A full-time faculty member shall serve for a term of two years.  Faculty members are eligible to succeed themselves for three additional terms, not to exceed a total of eight consecutive years.

Faculty Assembly Executive Committee is elected by the Faculty Assembly

Term to expire April 1, 2024

Joyce Britt
RJ Canter
Sara Cunningham
Kathy Herrington
Misty Kahl
Lyndsie Scott-Guzek

Term to expire April 1, 2025
Chana Baker
Chris Kefauver
Jennifer Kriechbaum
John Lantz
Tami Pitcher
Vikram Tugali

Faculty Emeritus Ad Hoc Committee

The purpose of the committee is to review nominations from members of Faculty Assembly of retiring faculty to make recommendations about granting those faculty Emeritus Status.  The Faculty Assembly selects five members with at least one from each division.  The committee only meets if there are nominations for emeritus status.

Members for 2023-2024:
Crystal Harbert
Greg Winland
Hollie Buchanan
Brandy Killeen
Deborah Kleeh

Faculty Evaluation Committee (FERC)

The committee develops, reviews, and makes recommendations to the faculty and administration regarding faculty evaluation policies and procedures. The Faculty Assembly selects members for the committee with a minimum of five recommended.

Chair: John Lantz

Members for 2023 - 2024:
Curt Hippensteel
Melissa Stephens
Jeremy Doolin
Crystal Harbert
Heidi Ryan
Tricia Binkiewicz

Faculty Promotion Committee

The Committee reviews applications for promotion and makes recommendations to the Chief Academic Officer. The Faculty Assembly selects individuals to serve on the Faculty Promotion Committee at the beginning of each academic year, making every effort to ensure that each academic division and each campus are represented in the composition of the committee.  The committee shall include faculty ranks in the following distribution:  three professors, two associate professors, two assistant professors, and two instructors.  Out of the nine members, five members (including three professors) will serve on the Faculty Promotion Committee the following spring.  Once candidates eligible for promotion have been identified, faculty who were nominated to this committee who have served as peer reviewers to the candidate for promotion will excuse themselves from the committee to avoid a potential conflict of interest.  Division chairs are also excluded from serving on the Faculty Promotion Committee, as are Program Directors who are responsible for evaluation of faculty members.  The Director of Human Resources will serve as a non-voting member.  The committee reports to the Chief Academic Officer.

Members for 2023-2024:
Bonnie Peterman                         
Sara Cunningham
John Labriola
Chris Kefauver
John Reho
Heidi Ryan                           
Deborah Kleeh
Delilah Ryan
Greg Winland                                  
Maclain Murad                                 
Kathy Herrington                             
Melissa Timko
Robert Brak, Ex-officio       

Faculty Salary Committee

The committee reviews information about the College budget, actual and projected state appropriations, peer institution salary information, and other relevant data and makes recommendations to the President regarding the salary model for faculty and distribution of salary increases.  The committee consists of four-six faculty selected by the Faculty Assembly, the CFO/Vice President of Administrative Services who serves as the convenor, the Chief Academic Officer, and the Director of Human Resources Development. 

Members for 2023-2024:
Chris Kefauver
Heidi Napier
Sara Cunningham
John Lantz

Faculty Welfare/Advocacy Committee

The committee is a committee of the Faculty Assembly whose purpose is to make faculty aware of issues affecting faculty, including policies and procedures, to make faculty aware of grievance procedures and methods for addressing concerns in a collegial and professional manner and to advise faculty about the application policies, procedures, & rules related to fair & equal treatment of faculty.  The committee consists of six faculty selected by the Faculty Assembly.

Members for 2023-2024:
Darcey Ferrell
Bonnie Peterman
RJ Canter
Sara Cunningham
Brian Kincaid
Parnell Sheldon
Kathy Herrington (Chair)
Tami Pitcher

Danford Award Committee

The Danford Award Committee meets to review nominations for the Danford Award and to select a recipient.  Faculty Assembly selects one member from each division to serve on the committee.  The committee reports to the Chief Academic Officer.

Members for 2023-2024:
Dave Stoffel
Delilah Ryan
Melissa Stephens
Brandy Killeen

Staff Council

The purpose of the Staff Council shall be to serve as representatives for, facilitate communication, and promote the interests of staff members, encouraging support and cooperation among staff, administration, faculty, and students. 
Members for 2023 - 2025 -- (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025)

Vacant (Staff Council Chair)
Hilary Wilson (Board of Governors Representative and Vice Chair)
Regan Blaha (Secretary)
Dennis Thorn (Treasurer)
Jenna Derrico (Advisory Council of Classified Employees Representative)
Scott Montgomery (Administrative Support and Paraprofessional)
Tillie Osman (Administrative Support and Paraprofessional)
Vacant (Administrative Support and Paraprofessional)
Dennis Thorn (Professional Non-Faculty)
Vacant (Professional Non-Faculty)
Chris Corbin (Official and Administrators)
Regan Blaha (Official and Administrators and Secretary)
Thomas Queen (Service & Maintenance)
Daniel McClure (Service & Maintenance)
Additional Information
New officers are elected in April of each odd-numbered year.  The member representing staff employees on the Board of Governors shall serve for a term of two years and is eligible to succeed themselves for three additional terms not to exceed a total of eight consecutive years. 

SGA Senator and Executive Board

President – Jeanette Ziegler
Vice President – Shawn McElroy
Financial Secretary – Colton Asbury
Recording Secretary – America Burris
Weirton Senators – Shawn McElroy and Morgan Haught
Wheeling Senators – Jeanette Ziegler, Tyler Mitchell, America Burris and Colton Asbury
New Martinsville Senators – N/A


President’s Cabinet

The President's Cabinet is appointed by the President and consists primarily of direct reports to the President. Its purpose is to consult with the President and to review and make decisions on significant topics that have impact beyond one functional area, including policy or procedural matters, so that all business units are aware of college-wide or department-based issues.

David Barnhardt
Robert Brak
Janet Fike
Angela Hawk
Stephanie Kappel
Jeff Sayre
Pam Sharma
Rana Spurlock

President’s Council

The President's Council is appointed by the President and consists of the Presidents’ Cabinet, supervisors, Faculty Assembly President, and Staff Council President. Its purpose is to consult with the President and serve as a liaison with the college community regarding policies, planning, and actions of interest to the College.

Members for 2023-2024:

David Barnhardt
Tami Alfred
Chana Baker
Debbie Bennett
Regan Blaha
Robert Brak
Chris Corbin
Janet Fike
Angela Hawk
Stephanie Kappel
Trish Marker
Justin Miller
Jack Montgomery
Thomas Queen
Jeff Sayre
Pam Sharma
Lisa Soly
Rana Spurlock


Program advisory committees are composed of business, industry, labor, and community representatives who provide up-to-date community-based information to the College. These committees can be broadly focused on the college, a particular campus, or a particular industry.

The College also has many advisory committees that are program specific, especially in career-technical education (CTE) programs, that meet regularly to provide input regarding the skills and competencies students need in a particular curriculum. Committee members are chosen for their ability to advise on the content of a particular curriculum and future directions of the workforce including, for example, advice on new technology, emerging skill needs, and other program developments.

There are several active program advisory committees at WVNCC including:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Welding
  • Nursing and Allied Health
  • Business
  • Criminal Justice
  • Child Development


WV Consortium for Faculty and Course Development in International Studies (FACDIS)
Said Leghlid & Delilah Ryan

State Advisory Council of Classified Employees (ACCE)
Jenna Derrico

State Advisory Council of Faculty (SACF)
Kathy Herrington

State Advisory Council of Student Representatives
Morgan Haught